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Just Starting.. A Network For New Business Owners!
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New eBook ready to download - it's FREE!Views: 195
Apr 07, 2006 5:58 pmNew eBook ready to download - it's FREE!#

Heidi Richards

It’s here! “GET MORE BUSINESS” HAS ARRIVED - Brought to you by Heidi Richards (Publisher and contributing author) and 21 members of the Women’s ECommerce Association, International, (www.WECAI.org) this FREE eBook is filled with strategies to grow your business online and offline. And it's perfect for the person "Just Starting."

Here's what Jay Berkowitz, author of Ten Golden Rules of Internet Marketing had to say (he wrote the foreword for the book):

"The internet is exploding. It is exploding among users, over 70% of Americans now use the internet and over 40% have high speed access. It is exploding for business. Over $150 Billion of retail transactions will be conducted on the internet in 2006 and over 120 Billion searches will be conducted. Unlike marketing in the past, when you are marketing your businesses on the internet you can target web searchers looking specifically for your goods and services, and you can utilize specific strategies to build a permission based business relationship with these visitors to your website. Heidi Richards, and the members of the Women’s eCommerce Association have written a great set of articles on the leading strategies and tactics for driving more traffic to your website, and converting those visits to leads or sales.”

To read all about it and to download your free copy, go to http://www.wecai.org/newsite/get_more_business.asp.

Heidi Richards

Private Reply to Heidi Richards

Apr 08, 2006 7:01 pmNew eBook ready to download - it's FREE!#

Heidi Richards

Yesterday we did some minor upgrades to the site and now the link is not working. Anyone interested in downloading the book who has not done so, here's the new link: http://www.wecai.org/get_more_business.asp

BTW, I welcome any comments you may have about the value of the information in the book. We are gathering reviews and testimonials and will post to the site (with a link to your site if you choose to include that).

Thanks so much!

Heidi Richards

Private Reply to Heidi Richards

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