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*** DISCUSSION: How To Generate More Local and/or Online LeadsViews: 154
Jun 25, 2005 10:44 pm*** DISCUSSION: How To Generate More Local and/or Online Leads#


With Prom season ending, and summer / wedding beginning,
I thought it would be nice to get together on various lead generating ideas for new Representatives needing a little help getting started. Let's start a list ...


1) Fish Bowls - ask local businesses if you can place a fish bowl or decorated box at their counter. Place an "Enter To Win A FREE Gift ..." message on the bowl or box. Give a gift, call your contacts.

2) Place a FREE ad at www.Jobvertise.com for your Mary Kay Business.

Private Reply to Lea

Jun 25, 2005 11:33 pmre: *** DISCUSSION: How To Generate More Local and/or Online Leads#

Andrea Beal
What kind of stores do you put these fishbowls in? I have contacted a couple and I am always directed to their corporate offices. I think it's a great idea and would like to actually get one in a store!


> Lea Charlton wrote:
> Hello!
>With Prom season ending, and summer / wedding beginning,
>I thought it would be nice to get together on various lead generating ideas for new Representatives needing a little help getting started. Let's start a list ...
>1) Fish Bowls - ask local businesses if you can place a fish bowl or decorated box at their counter. Place an "Enter To Win A FREE Gift ..." message on the bowl or box. Give a gift, call your contacts.
>2) Place a FREE ad at www.Jobvertise.com for your Mary Kay Business.

Private Reply to Andrea Beal

Jun 26, 2005 5:05 pmre: re: *** DISCUSSION: How To Generate More Local and/or Online Leads#

Hi Andrea,

I would suggest the following, perhaps with an offer of a gift (maybe give the satin hands samples) for the individual who supports you:

- bridal / clothing boutiques
- small hair salons (those just selling hair products)
- barber shops (place a picture of the products for men)
- daycares
- find where local MOPS (Mother's of preschoolers) or Mommy groups meet

*** there's a local laundry mat/dry cleaner near my house that has been very supportive of all of my businesses. Go do a load of towels and begin associating, you know?

Also, places where you have relations:
- church
- resale shop
- places where you or friends take children for activities
- independent doctor or specialists you go to
- coffee shops
- where you, family member or friend works
- perhaps friends that set up for flee markets

The ticket is that in most circumstances, you will offer a free skin care class or such, though in some cases you can just advertise your business opportunity and obtain a lot of contacts that way. It would just depend on the location, you know?

You can walk into any independent business, introduce yourself, and warm chatter with them a bit. You might have the opportunity to leave it that day (depending upon how responsive they are), else have them as a resource in the future. You are basically qualifying them at that time, so you can at least get their business card and let them know that you'd love to email them specials from time to time. If you built the repore the way you should have, they will say yes to the email and then you can work it from there.

You can actually get those types of businesses that are directing you to corporate that way, too. It can be anywhere that is inexpensive to frequent (like a 1/2 price book store, video game exchange, hair salon or a wireless agent (not the actual AT&T and Verizons, but those that sell several carriers).

Pay attention to places like churches, stores, libraries, laundry mats, jiffy lube, etc that have stands for tabloids, posting boards, brochure areas, etc. Places where you would secure those type of relations. Sometimes, it is simply the frequecy or a hello each time, that breaks the formality.

The point is that this is your business and you control your pace. If you develop these resources a little bit at a time, plus treat those that support you along the way, you will have you locations established in NO TIME.

I hope this has helped!

> Andrea Beal wrote:
> What kind of stores do you put these fishbowls in? I have contacted a couple and I am always directed to their corporate offices. I think it's a great idea and would like to actually get one in a store!
>> Lea Charlton wrote:
>> Hello!
>>With Prom season ending, and summer / wedding beginning,
>>I thought it would be nice to get together on various lead generating ideas for new Representatives needing a little help getting started. Let's start a list ...
>>1) Fish Bowls - ask local businesses if you can place a fish bowl or decorated box at their counter. Place an "Enter To Win A FREE Gift ..." message on the bowl or box. Give a gift, call your contacts.
>>2) Place a FREE ad at www.Jobvertise.com for your Mary Kay Business.

Private Reply to Lea

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