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The CopyWriters Connection
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Just Dropping In to introduce myselfViews: 373
Jul 30, 2005 4:58 pmJust Dropping In to introduce myself#

Melissa Brewer
Greetings! I joined this network about a week ago, along with Ryze itself. I'm very excited about the opportunities presented here, but I am terribly, terribly swamped with work! I'm a professional freelance writer specializing in web copy, and I am currently working on 1 print book, 1 website, 1 ebook, and revamping my website.

If you'd like to network with me, let me know. Be patient, though - I'm new to the Ryze network and still finding my way around in my spare time.

I won't be posting any work for critique for a while - too busy! But, I do have a favor to ask - if you use eBay as a seller or buyer on a regular basis, and you'd like to be an expert in a book I am writing (with your user name, business name, etc.) please email me and we can set up an online interview. The book is being published by Etlantic Publishing by the fall. All you have to be willing to part with is some basic know-how for eBay (or advanced secrets...) Buyers are welcome to, as I'll be featuring quotes on what "power buyers" look for... My email, for the purpose of speeding things up, is melissa@techsavvycopy.com

Thanks! I look forward to chatting with all of you!

Private Reply to Melissa Brewer

Jul 30, 2005 10:18 pmre: Just Dropping In to introduce myself#

Bea Kunz
Hi Melissa,

I'm new to this network but not to RYZE, just take a deep breat and collect yourself, things always get done! But I do know about being rushed.

I'm sure this network will prove to be as helpful and exciting as the others. I am truly impressed with all the people I have made contact with across RYZE. It is a great way to communicate with like minds. Always something to learn from.

Be Well,

Bea Kunz.

Private Reply to Bea Kunz

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