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Having a GREAT company name makes a big difference!Views: 366
Aug 01, 2005 1:54 pmHaving a GREAT company name makes a big difference!#

Diane Tegarden
Dear Copywriters,

FireWalker Publications.

The name of my company attracts a lot of attention. HEY! Isn't that the point?

They call it branding, and it's the first thing a person hears about your company, so you need to have a GREAT reason why you chose the name.

Does your company have a RIVETING story to go with that name?

Here's mine:

My husband and I had been self-employed for about 10 years when we had first heard about Tony Robbins. I didn't know much more than he was a motivational speaker, and I had received a brochure in the mail about the three day seminar. We both had reservations about going, but after going to the website and speaking to one of his representatives, I made the decision to go ahead and invest the money.

Without much more research on it, we arrived on the first afternoon, it was a Friday after a full work week, but the excitement in the lines, the anticipation of what was coming was palpable.

There was a lot of loud dance music going on inside, it was really hard to just sit around and wait for something to happen, so we were all dancing in the aisles before he even got on stage. I sure wish I could have that tape, the combination of songs (instrumental music) will always be imprinted in my mind to indicate: Movement, Action, Change!

I'm not a devotee of Anthony Robbins, don't get me wrong. I don't follow him around like groupie, but I did experience a life changing event, directly due to his motivational techniques.

When people ask me why I have named myself Rose FireWalker, they usually want to know if the name has anything to do with my Indian heritage. Although I am Hopitu Shinumu (Hopi), it was not from my people that I learned the Fire Walk.

Throughout the evening, Tony challenges your preconceived ideas about your own limitations, he challenges you to ask yourself "how does this limitation serve me?"

Quite often we are shocked to find that our negativity, our perceived limitations, had been coping mechanisms that helped us survive in earlier times in our lives. And quite often as adults, they do not serve us, but keep us from becoming complete human beings.

His ways and means, I leave for you to discover from his tapes and his books and his seminars, but I will say that he pushes you mentally, emotionally, and physically to the point where you either quit or your barriers break down.

We had started the seminar are around 7:00 at night, by midnight he had taken us outside twice to view the humongous bonfire burning. Far from being a symbol of destroying those things which limit you, it was the very beast did we were to challenge later in the night.

Somehow I missed that part in the brochure. We were going to fire walk. All 200 people stuffed inside of the Pasadena Civic Center got quite a shock when he told us, many of us had no idea that was coming. There is a big screen monitoring the fire outside, showing us it was devouring the arm-sized branches that were being fed into the fire to create the charcoals we would later walk on.

One of the misnomers of fire walking is that you don't actually walk on the flames, you are walking on the burning charcoals, like the embers use see glowing in your barbecue.

After putting us through a mini-emotional boot camp, Tony proceeded to scare us half to death with stories of what the feet look like with third degree burns on them. Just about when you think you have a handle on your fear, he would take this outside to stand no closer than 4 ft. away from those raging flames, and your heart would quail inside you.

But he always ends on a high note, and at about 1:30 Saturday morning, all 200 of us, teenagers, children, seniors, firm and infirm, man and woman ,stormed out of those doors, ready to take on the world.

Imagine. You're standing out in the street (they had blocked off traffic), with 200 strangers surrounding you, jumping up and down like we're on pogo sticks. We're standing in line staying ready to take our Fire Walk, jumping up and down screaming Yes! Yes! Yes!

When you're at the front of the line, two of Tony's assistants are there holding each of your shoulders, prepping you to go, seeing in your eyes if you're ready, and then they release you. You walk firmly, not rushing; swinging your arms at your sides as you say: cool moss, cool moss; envisioning that you are walking across cool moss.

Once you are at the other end of the walk, the assistants at that end rinse your feet off with the water hose, so that charcoals won't stick to your feet as you walk off.

Exuberance! Disbelief!

You look around and see people who have conquered one the most ancient fears in man. You have stared down the monster of fire, the fear of being burned, and you are ecstatic. People all around you have the same unbelieving look in their eyes as you scream, and shout to the heavens, and hug total strangers, tears of joy running down your face.

Then you run back to the beginning of the line to do it again, just to prove to yourself it wasn't a fluke.

I really don't know how long it took all of us to go through a couple of times, but then we all ended up back in the auditorium to put our shoes and socks back on, and to gather our things to go. We had been changed forever. What could we possibly fear now?

And that was just the first night.

I’ll never forget the lessons of that evening, and to remind myself of those lessons, I named my company FireWalker Publications.

Energetically Yours,
Diane Tegarden

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