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Love, Marriage, Relationships
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Hello Sandra!Views: 244
Jul 19, 2005 4:27 pmHello Sandra!#

Amy Jo Garner
I joined here to understand the issues people face in their relationships.

BTW, I like pink. No, actually, I’m a pink-a-holic. My bedroom is pink. My bathroom is pink. My purse is pink. Hey, even my cell phone is pink!


Private Reply to Amy Jo Garner

Jul 19, 2005 4:38 pmre: Hello Sandra!#

Sandra Harmon
Hello, Amy

After giving me such a hard time on the other network you have decided to join Love, Marriage, Relationships. That is so great. It really speaks to how open a person you are. Welcome, Amy, I look forward to a lot of postings and thoughtful musings from you and I hope you will learn everything you want to know about making the great relationship you have even better.


Sandy Harmon

Private Reply to Sandra Harmon

Jul 24, 2005 1:58 pmre: re: Hello Sandra!#

Ken Lane
Pink is one of my favorite colors too Amy even tho I'm a dude.:)

Private Reply to Ken Lane

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