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Love, Marriage, Relationships
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~New Member Intro~Views: 215
Jul 19, 2005 5:29 pm~New Member Intro~#

Hey there! What a fabulous idea for a network! I was so excited when I came across this that I posted to everyone I know to join...this is an area that we all can relate to in one way or another! Fabulous idea!

I'm Jenn, 31 years old, ABA Therapist, wife to Stephen, mom to Bryanna age 8.

This is my second marriage. My first marriage failed because I just couldn't deal with my husband having a girlfriend.....

My husband Steve and I have a great marriage, and I want to keep it that way. I am always open to new ideas and the stories and the experiences of others.

I look forward to being an active participant.....

My Best to You All,
Founder/President of Moms United http://www.momsunited.org

The Woman Within, A Personal Diary http://momsunitedorg.bravejournal.com/index.php

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