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Finding love onlineViews: 314
Aug 10, 2005 8:52 pmFinding love online#

Dean H.
I have a couple friends who met their partner for life via online networks of some sort. One found love via instant chat messenger.

Another found love back in the early 90s via penpal letters which eventually led to phone conversations which eventually led to meeting in person (one was in the U.S and the other was in Norway) and deciding to get married within 2 weeks of knowing each other offline. Both couples that I know of are happily married for many years now.

How do you feel about finding love online? This is not in reference to Ryze but just via any online communication medium- IM, email, match.com, etc...

Private Reply to Dean H.

Aug 10, 2005 9:18 pmre: Finding love online#

Vera Newman
Hello Dean

Though the net is a crazy place...I find its a wonderful way to meet people and make long lasting friendships.

I have met some really good relations online and still have those relations some over 9 years.

I have been to many romance communities, dating sites, etc; however I am more about building friendships before instant oatmeal romances.

I have had many dates in the last 3 years solely from the net; and I like that way. This gives me a chance to screen the person that is interested in me (its a fast growing thing to do background checks on people). I have had issues were sometimes you have to becareful, there are allot of conartists out there.

However all in all I enjoy the connections I've made.

Private Reply to Vera Newman

Aug 10, 2005 10:10 pmre: re: Finding love online#

Sandra Harmon
As a Love, Dating, Sex and Relationship Coach, I not only endorse on-line dating, I have coached so many people in the art of successful online dating that I know that it really possible to find your mate online. Are you listening Dean and Vera?

Seriously, I dont say its easy. Its a numbers game and you have to learn how to play it. But I really urge all of you single business people out there who are spending most of your time at the computer or if you are single moms or dads at home with the kids, to jump on the bandwagon and try internet dating.

There are many sites to choose from, and the most popular usually have some form of free trial offer; sites like match.com, matchmaker, Jdate and so many others. There are speciality dating sites, ie. for millionaires, tall people, short people, Christians, blacks, highly educated people, fat people, you get my drift. Seek and thou shalt find.

Don't be frightened. Internet dating is not just for wierdo's, perverts or losers, although like any other place, it has its share of those. I promise you, there are millions of lovely, loving, decent men and women who are online hoping to meet their soulmate.

Just think. You sign up, put up your picture and your profile and your preferences in a mate, and suddenly, hundreds of pictures of people fitting the specifications you ordered appear on your computer. No matter what your age, there are usually hundreds of people to choose from at any given time. Its actually mindboggling, especially after you've spent years convinced that all the good guys (or gals) are taken.

One of my clients, a beautiful,divorced mother of two young girls met her future husband, an amazing, absolutely adorable, kind, sweet, highly educated and renowned immunologist, on JDate. They fell in love, the kids adore him, her mother adores him, he is crazy for the whole family and they are getting engaged in a few weeks. She says he is the man she has always dreamed of and never thought she would find.

So if you havent tried it, don't hesitate. And if you think you need a little coaching, here's my program, just as it is on my website.

Find Love Through Online Dating
$99/week or $350 a month

On-line dating could be just the right way for you to meet your soul mate, because you broaden your visibility a thousand fold, and meet men (or women) you wouldn't otherwise have an opportunity to know.

Let me help you win the game of love. I will give you photo advice, help you write an eye-catching profile, and guide you in the ways in which you will attract and keep the interest of that special man (or woman) with whom you have chemistry, who you can trust, and who has the values, attitudes and personality traits which will compliment yours.

You will learn:

How to find the right dating site and sign up for a FREE trial run
How to select the All-Important Photo
How to construct an attention grabbing headline that attracts the right man (or woman)
How to hone your seduction skills
What your profile really says about you
Why the male should always make the first move
How long to wait before responding to his email
How to weed out "the losers"
When to give him your phone number
Why you should never call him first
When to accept a date
How to dress for that important first date
Where to meet
Why you should never split the check
What to do if you hate him the minute he says, "Hello"
How to deal with rejection
If you both like each other; what then?
And much more
You get:

One sixty minute or two thirty minute phone calls with me each week
As many emails as you need

By the way, I suggest you sign up for at least two sites to begin. Then you can have twice the fun.

Sandy Harmon
Your Love Coach

Private Reply to Sandra Harmon

Aug 11, 2005 6:12 pmre: Finding love online#

Ann Zuccardy - Vermont Shortbread Company
I met my man on match.com.

After many years of being single and kissing a lot of toads, it seemed an unlikely place to find love. I was beginning to believe I was unlovable!

However, I work about a bizzillion hours a week, don't go out much, live in the boonies, don't go to church or other more conventional meeting places, so an online meeting was perfect for me in that it allowed me to respond at my own pace and in the safety of my own home. By the time we finally met in person, we realized we knew many of the same people. (Of course, I had done thorough Google searches and workplace inquiries on him before meeting him being the cautious person I am.)

As a writer, it was lots of fun to get to know someone this way, though Brian now confesses that he was always anxious about constructing grammatically correct e-mails to me. He's an engineer - totally left-brained (unlike me) and the contrasts work nicely together.

Of course, I have many funny online dating stories as well. I've written them all down for inclusion in a book about savvy dating after 40...someday...in my "spare" time.


Private Reply to Ann Zuccardy - Vermont Shortbread Company

Aug 11, 2005 6:48 pmre: re: Finding love online#

Dina Giolitto, WordFeeder.com

I love your rotating Ryze photo collage. :) Always something to look forward to when Annie Z. posts!

I didn't know you guys met on Match.com. That's so cute! One of my friends went on a Match.com whirlwind dating spree... just meeting fellow after fellow, not thinking too much about finding The One. She's a natural mingler and I think had a truly fun time with the whole thing.

Then... along came The One.

Today, they are both two wicked cool Internet Marketers... planning all kinds of inspiring enterprises together.

They just got engaged, bless their little hearts. :)

Ohhh... this reminds me of Sandy's question from the other day about husband wife couples. I guess in a way these two count as the dynamic power couple. I had forgotten about them!

Private Reply to Dina Giolitto, WordFeeder.com

Aug 11, 2005 7:12 pmre: Finding love online (Dina)#

Ann Zuccardy - Vermont Shortbread Company
Yep, Dina, match.com. Should I write an article about it? Just joking.

Oh, I met many guys on match.com. Mostly decent people with whom I'm still friends. I live in a small community, so one has to be careful. It seems everyone knows everyone else, which can be good if you're checking out a potential dating prospect. All my research on Brian before I met him came back favorably.

Okay, here's some article fodder for online dating rules:

1. Post a recent photo, not one from 10 years ago.
2. Don't lie about your age or weight.
3. Don't bitch about your ex.
4. Don't complain about other match.com dates you've had and if you must, NEVER identify them by name. It may come back to bite you.
5. Always arrange for your first meeting in a public place.
6. Do not give out your e-mail address, snail mail address, or phone number until feel 100% safe.
7. Don't embellish your job, earnings, material goods.
8. Don't order pesto on a first date unless you feel totally unselfconscious saying to your date, "Do I have a big gob of green on my teeth?" (Personally, I have no problem uttering this sentence, but one match.com date was horrified.)

Private Reply to Ann Zuccardy - Vermont Shortbread Company

Aug 11, 2005 10:46 pmre: re: Finding love online (Dina)#

Danielle Bailey
I was going to say 'Never lie, even if it's really really tempting' but Ann pretty much said that :) Um, be yourself. Be relaxed. Don't think about it as meeting your future love dove but as getting to know new friends. Remember to cut a lot of slack for bad cases of nerves. When you finally meet in person take minty Rolaids.

*grins* I haven't had to internet date but I still get nervous meeting people in person - like when someone wants me to pitch my business to them or whatever. The minty Rolaids come in handy!!

Best wishes,

Private Reply to Danielle Bailey

Aug 12, 2005 12:52 pmre: Finding love online#

Carla Sanders
I have met some of my deeply closest friends and mentors on line, and most of them I haven't met yet in flesh and blood. I met them in forums and business/interest sites like Ryze. Though one is about an hour from me in Maine, and we have had a chance to be in person friends, which is fabulous! Actually I have had a couple of lunches from Ryze neighbors, and hope to do even more soon.

So far I have not wanted to dive into online dating. I have put a toe in, and met a few men, but I don't enjoy meeting that way much. So much of my life seems on line, I just don't have any on line left for romance!

Sandra is a big fan of Online meeting, and now that I am back from travels, I will look into posting great picture, the profile, the works, and let it be fun, with no attachment. If I am having fun, good, if I am bored with it, never mind.

By the way, several friends have met loves on a variety of sites, so it works in modern life.

Marilyn, you post way back about the man you didn't want to date but did want to know because, among other reasons, he might be right to introduce to a friend, is so cool! I appreciate that you are open and can see the potential in connecting.

Private Reply to Carla Sanders

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