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What do you guys think about this?Views: 292
Aug 16, 2005 1:48 amWhat do you guys think about this?#

DeAnna Troupe, Video Marketing Specialist
My "friend" taught our Sunday school class this past Sunday since our regular teacher was out of town. He finished the lesson on anthropology early(that's what we've been talking about this quarter). He then went into this discussion about how our relationship with God was like a marriage!!! Now obviously I'm not trying to start a religion conversation on this board.

I was tripping about the fact that he went there with the whole marriage thing. It's a good thing that I'm not any lighter, I would have turned bright red!

I don't know what he was trying to say with that one...

Bewildered in Falcon land...

Private Reply to DeAnna Troupe, Video Marketing Specialist

Aug 16, 2005 2:57 amre: What do you guys think about this?#

Sue T.
One simple thought... :) Did you ask him what he was saying?

Sue Tosto
Life and Relationship Coach

Confidence is Silent. It doesn't defend itself.
It simply exists inside of you.



Private Reply to Sue T.

Aug 16, 2005 3:30 amre: What do you guys think about this?#

Carla Sanders

Marriage is a common metaphor in sacred matters. The church is often referred to as the bride of Christ. I wouldn't take it personally.

On the other hand, what do your feelings tell you about your attraction and desire for this man? Were you squirming uncomfortably, or pleasurably? How is the afterglow?

My son is a conservative Christian, and the minister giving the homily at his wedding used the theme "God's Love for us is Erotic." Talk about squirming!

I was delighted that he was so frank and open, and his understanding of God matched mine. The only red face was my mother, who thought the minister should have spoken to the newlyweds in private about that. lol

Private Reply to Carla Sanders

Aug 17, 2005 11:16 amre: re: What do you guys think about this?#

DeAnna Troupe, Video Marketing Specialist
Well it wasn't unpleasant squirming... No I really didn't ask him further about what he was saying because I thought I was overreacting.

Private Reply to DeAnna Troupe, Video Marketing Specialist

Aug 17, 2005 11:24 am What do you guys think about this?#

Sue T.
:) Squirming can be good :) Maybe next time ask him what he's talking about ... like, paraphrasing asking him what he means etc., draw him out, be curious.

This way you get to avoid squirming and know what the devil that fella is talking about.

Sue T.

Private Reply to Sue T.

Aug 18, 2005 3:57 amre: What do you guys think about this?#

Claudia Meydrech
What a great question...and I could go on and on, putting in scriptures, etc., but it's kind of late. So I'll simply say that it speaks of how intimately God loves the church, which is made up of those who have a committed (there's that word again) relationship with God through Christ. A close relationship with God, the creator of the universe (if you believe that...I do), what can be greater than that!! The whole Bible is full of God pursuing us...those he loves now and has loved since the creation of the world. Many ignore Him and want to go our own way and do their own thing, yet He keeps on loving and pursuing us until the day we die in ways that we may not be aware of unless we take the time to stop, think and listen. Maybe when I have some time I can find some places in the Bible where it speaks of this. Night night...it's almost midnight!! Claudia :-)

Private Reply to Claudia Meydrech

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