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What qualities are you looking for in a mate?Views: 429
Sep 01, 2005 12:06 amWhat qualities are you looking for in a mate?#

Sandra Harmon

I assume that most of us who are single,whether divorced, widowed or never maried, wouldnt mind being in a loving and erotic and comitted relationship. So my question is, what three qualities would be most the important in a potential mate for you?

Does he or she have to be good looking, rich, kind, funny, smart, well-educated.....well I could go on and on, but I'll stop here and ask you just exactly what you are looking for. Remember, it's (1), (2), and (3).

I cant wait to hear from you all. Feel free to be as brief or expansive as you like.


Private Reply to Sandra Harmon

Sep 02, 2005 4:02 amre: What qualities are you looking for in a mate?#

Susan Perkins
Why hasn't this one been responded to? I know why, you ask for only 3 things? That is very hard... :-)

1. Communication - he must enjoy my way of communicating & and I must enjoy his - and it must be frequent conversation.

2. Generous - no cheapo's (with any aspects of giving) - think of me and others - remember to ask how I am and be considerate/thoughtful.

3. Active - he must enjoy doing things like travel and outdoor activies - not glued to the TV Set.

Looks have never been a biggy for me - I look at the eyes - see what is behind there - how often does he smile? - is he secure in who he is? How does he treat others? Does he exhibit a boyish quality while being mature & responsible? (me like...)

Is he a MACHO man with a large degree of the male ego flowing? (Me not like...)

These are some of the questions I mentally ask myself as I'm out and about...

Too long? Susan

Private Reply to Susan Perkins

Sep 02, 2005 8:03 pmre: re: What qualities are you looking for in a mate?#

Sandra Harmon
Oh no, my apologies. Please post as long as you want Susan and everybody. How about the ten qualities you are looking for in a mate. Or any amount in between.


Private Reply to Sandra Harmon

Sep 04, 2005 7:20 amre: re: re: What qualities are you looking for in a mate?#

Ali Akbar
Well, I would like to indicate areas rather then specific qualities.

1) Highly Professional: many qualities come under this such as career oriented, believe in table talks on any issue or problem, intelligent, graceful personality, understanding, effective communication qualities etc.
2) Freedom: this is very important, both partners have their own life, own interests, own time, habits etc. only a bridge of respect and friendship must connect them.
3) Beauty: …… oops!....... beauty is irrelevant…. If beauty is required for looks…. You do not make your friends based on looks….. if beauty is required for sex … it really doesn’t make a difference after some time that your mate is beautiful or not.


Private Reply to Ali Akbar

Sep 06, 2005 3:50 amre: re: re: re: What qualities are you looking for in a mate?#

DeAnna Troupe, Video Marketing Specialist
Here are my qualities:
1) Must be a Christian, that is a member of the Church of Christ. It's important to me that my mate belong to the same faith as I do. That way we have a common ground to go to when we have a disagreement.

2) Must be willing to provide for the family. He doesn't have to have a job per se, he can run his own business, but he has to be willing to get a job if the business is having a slow period or something like that.

3) Must be a good communicator.

4) This one isn't a requirement, but it would be nice if he was someone that I could look at with the lights on...

Just my two cents

Private Reply to DeAnna Troupe, Video Marketing Specialist

Sep 07, 2005 3:16 pm What qualities are you looking for in a mate?#

Marielena Alvarez
1) Must enjoy cuddling and be affectionate, spooning a plus!

2) Must not have an issue with the cats jumping up on the bed

3) Must like pets

This is what I have come up with so far

Private Reply to Marielena Alvarez

Sep 09, 2005 3:16 amre: What qualities are you looking for in a mate?#

Dina Giolitto, WordFeeder.com
A mate should have the same qualities as someone we'd consider a friend, and should be treated with the same respect that we treat our friends.

I think most people are far more polite, forgiving, attentive to and positive toward their friends than their mates. Not in all cases of course... but in many.

That's ridiculous, and wrong.

Private Reply to Dina Giolitto, WordFeeder.com

Sep 10, 2005 11:55 pmre: What qualities are you looking for in a mate?#

Ken Lee
Hi Sandy and all,
This is a very interesting question. As I read some of the other replies, I thought about my original question here.

One of the things I like about my age is that I have left behind the "gladiator" stage...the one of rigid idealism and contesting wills. With that in mind, here goes.

1) Mutual love and respect...being on the same emotional wavelength. I am not interested in games, drama or combatting egos.

2) Shared faith...I am a Christian. She does not have to believe everything that I do but my faith is my chief guide in life and she would need to be on that wavelength. BTW, I met my last wife in church, we said for ever and ever, amen and that was for 8 years. I accept that we are all human and do not expect perfection...least of all from myself.

3) Functionality...as a unit who do we fit together and how do we work together...can we talk, can we live with each others warts, are we able to be passengers with each other as well as drivers, do our priorities mesh, stuff like that.

What is not important...outward beauty, possessions beyond necessity and some comfort.

Private Reply to Ken Lee

Sep 14, 2005 6:13 pmre: What qualities are you looking for in a mate?#

Carla Sanders
Hi Sandra and everyone,

I have been reading this forum but usuallyl in the wee hours with my eyes half closed, I have pent up posting on Love, Marriage and Relationship forum. I'm taking a minute to catch up...

Fast answer, don't think too much.

1. I want him to be on a similar and matching spiritual path to me.

2. I want him to be generous, happy, positive person.

3. He has to look good to Me, and of course, he thinks I am gorgeous, just the way I am!

OH, I'll go ahead and say it, shyly... I'd love it if he were a master at sacred sex, and if not yet, then he'd most definitely better be open to learn!


Private Reply to Carla Sanders

Sep 14, 2005 10:19 pmre: re: What qualities are you looking for in a mate?#

Rohit Malik
Interesting to know what women wants....always a mystery....hehe

take care gals,


Private Reply to Rohit Malik

Sep 15, 2005 5:30 pmre: What qualities are you looking for in a mate?#

I am a happily married woman, however I still to this day have just ONE quality that I still expect my husband to embody:

I want a person who is going to treat me well...at all times...in all situations...forever!

And I am very upfront with this expectation from the very beginning. I matter of factly told my husband, when we first started getting serious, that my only long term requirement is that he treats me well.

It's worked out pretty well for me to have this attitude too. It means that he can't cheat on me...that isn't treating me well. He can't speak nasty to me...that isn't treating me well. He can't talk behind my back to his buddies...that isn't treating me well. He can't forget my birthday or anniversary...that isn't treating me well. I can go on and on.

And if the day comes when this man stops treating me well...he's GONE! PERIOD! I demand that the people who want to be in my life treat me well, just as I do to them. No exceptions at all with anyone.

Kerry Flinders
Organizing Queen!
Network Leader of Organizing Boot Camp
Come on by and join the fun.

Private Reply to KerryF

Mar 11, 2006 7:05 pmre: re: What qualities are you looking for in a mate?#

Satpal - all smiles no worries
1) willing to spend time with me - quality n quantity both
2) honest
3) communicate all good n bad things
4) Adventorous, i luv hikin n nature trails, n expect him to share my hobbies n so wud i
5) when wiht me full concentration n not fidgetin with his latest cell phone or laptop, coz i never do so
6) loving ones work - lazy people wont fit my bill, neither a person unhappy wiht his job, might as well quit n do soemthing else
7) this reminds me - he shud b ambitious too, when it comes to work, n not stagnate his growth
8) luvin carin n respectin me n my beliefs n not tryin to change me into someone i dont want to b. If i have a certain friend circle, so be it, even if he dislikes them.

Private Reply to Satpal - all smiles no worries

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