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What do you enjoy doing with your partner or spouse?Views: 341
Dec 02, 2005 10:40 amWhat do you enjoy doing with your partner or spouse?#

Denise Michaels
... well, besides the OBVIOUS that is... *wink*

I like to watch the learning channel and the shopping channel. He likes to watch CNN, Fox News and Monday night football. I like romantic comedies he likes "action-packed movies." He likes to sit down to a big breakfast with eggs and broccoli (yep - broccoli). I like a protein shake on the run or while sitting at my computer. He's strongly connected to his grown sons and family. I go with him sometimes - but made a very conscious choice way back in my teens that I didn't want kids. I like to be in the spotlight. He likes to be in the background (actually good synergy there). I'm a very ambitious, goal-driven person. He's very kickback and just takes each day as it comes.

We both enjoy going to church and have similar spiritual beliefs and leanings. We also both enjoy travel but he likes to go to some third world country for a month and stay in hostels and ride the rails. Last May he spent a month in Thailand, Malaysia, Taiwan and Cambodia. I'd rather stay in a five star resort for a few days and relax, enjoy the pampering at the spa and other ameneties.

So what's the connection? I think for us it's those simple moments where we talk, laugh and share. He's excited about his new job lately and enjoys telling me stories about the characters at the office. His million dollar smile and laughter still make my heart go pitter patter.

All the best,

Denise Michaels
Author, "Testosterone-Free Marketing"

Visit: http://www.GreatIdeasforWomenOver40.com

Private Reply to Denise Michaels

Jan 31, 2006 5:29 pmre: What do you enjoy doing with your partner or spouse?#

Danielle Bailey
I love to shop for our kids with my husband. I love to sit on the couch and hold his hand. I love to teach him how to use the computer. Fold laundry. I just love being in his presence. There is something so Zen and calming and warm and magical about him that just being with him makes my soul happy.

I think I'm going to copy this post and email it to him :)

Private Reply to Danielle Bailey

Feb 02, 2006 5:49 pmre: re: What do you enjoy doing with your partner or spouse?#

Rachel Anderson
Geez, Danielle --- sickening! I say that with love (and maybe a little bit of jealousy) of course! Does you husband have any brothers? LOL


Private Reply to Rachel Anderson

Feb 02, 2006 9:31 pmre: re: re: What do you enjoy doing with your partner or spouse?#

Danielle Bailey
Yup, I'll gross ya out when I talk about him. And he's got 4, but they're all either ruined or taken. To explain the zen feeling - imagine lying on a beach in Hawaii on a perfect day - just the way your body turns to liquid and you feel all warm and perfect - that's how I feel when he touches me :) Even if he's just stroking my palm.

Private Reply to Danielle Bailey

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