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Love, Marriage, Relationships
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Hi All..! New Member...Lets get introduced....!!Views: 585
Apr 26, 2006 7:18 amre: Hi All..! New Member...Lets get introduced....!!#

Niladri Sarkar
Hi Everyone,

Hi Adi ... welcome to the gang !!Will take this oppurtunity to introduce myself as well .... Call me Neil for starters ....

I am managing our business of manufacturing Auto Components for Heavy and Medium Commercial Vehicles in Jamshedpur.I am a B.E.(Prod) by qualification and will be going in for an MBA soon.

Though i am in a totally different field in my work today,i have always been inclined towards music and dance.i have been a professional choregorapher/event manager (small time) during my school & college days and still make it a point to be associated in any such function/activity when time permits.

We are also into the beauty business (run by Mom).Mom is a certified beauty expert and has been in the field for over 20 years now.We are about to launch our own range of beauty products very soon.

In short,i keep myself busy with all kinds of activity and i love to indulge in work.I feel very jittery when there is nothing on my mind or when i have nothing to do.If time does permit,i love swimming and playing squash ....

With such a kind of schedule .... it becomes difficult for me to pursue women , thus this forum .... i've been there , done that .... but its been along time .... besides , i am only 27 .

Take care people,
and keep in touch ....


Private Reply to Niladri Sarkar

May 01, 2006 2:39 pmre: re: Hi All..! New Member...Lets get introduced....!!#

Pavan Kumar Sharma
Hi frens!its nice to see you all mailing.

Iam too a new one to this group.So,would like to get introduced to you all.

By the way you can call me pavan,i'm an graduate in International Business and presently working for Expeditor's in Hyderabad,wich is a MNC - into providing Global logistics and Supplychain solutions.

Coming to the point i'm 24 soon catching on 25 by this Sep,and
i wish being a part of this group will help me understand a women better, maintain relations stronger and the most interesting of all i would like to hoan on is "How to Impress a Woman".

Hey girls! are you listening,i think you can help me on this.

Private Reply to Pavan Kumar Sharma

Jul 16, 2006 7:52 amre: Hi All..! New Member...Lets get introduced....!!#

Satomi Ivey-Johnson
HI Everyone,

I am a newbie here! Just wanted to drop in and say hi to you all. I am a wife and mother of 2. My husband is in the army and he is deployed right now, in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. I spend my days working my home business and running around chasing my oldest daughter (who is in that terrible 2 stage) and changing my youngest daughters diapers. Yeah, I know it sounds like soooo much fun. It has been really hard though! Let me forewarn everyone who may be thinking about marrying a military man or woman, DON'T! No, just joking. I love my husband and our children and I wouldn't trade them for anything (or anyone) else. Besides, I married my husband 18 months before he even thought about getting into the Army. Anyways, enough about my family and my marriage let me tell you a little bit more about ME. Well, besides being a wife and mother, I am really into music and reading and just really enjoying life and living everyday to the fullest. I want to make a difference in any way that I can. If anyone needs a friend or needs advice on anything in their relationships or anything else then I am always here. I usually don't join any groups but I felt that this one would be cool to be a part of. Maybe I can receive some advice and be able to give some at the very same time. That's awesome! Thanks for reading everyone! I'll be posting again soon!


Private Reply to Satomi Ivey-Johnson

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