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Love, Marriage, Relationships
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SeparationViews: 524
May 24, 2006 10:17 pmSeparation#

Danielle Bailey
When do you know the time is right to ask for a trial separation? How would you ask? I know that everyone's criteria is different, but what do you all think of such a thing?

Also, would your criteria be different for a marriage versus a long term relationship? What about factoring in case of children, shared home, etc?

Is a trial separation a valid thing, or is it simply the easiest first step to an already decided divorce?

This has been a topic of conversation in my extended family (my moms family) recently, and I'd like your viewpoints.


Private Reply to Danielle Bailey

May 25, 2006 1:32 pmre: Separation#

Sandra Harmon

Hi Danielle,

When negative issues stack up, often an explosion occurs that can permanently destroy a relationship. When a couple comes to see me on the verge of such an explosion, we sometimes negotiate an eight week separation to cool things down. This thapeutic separation helps clear the air, cool the chemistry and contributes to processing of thoughts and feelings. It gives the couple time to renegotiate issues that were driving wedges between them.

After eight weeks, both people usually can see the issues more clearly and feel the feelings more deeply, rather than being emotionally irrational. If the separation becomes more comfortable than getting back together, a divorce becomes inevitable, but at least the separation brings it on with less emotion and more logic.

Sandy Harmon
Your Love Coach

Private Reply to Sandra Harmon

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