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Love, Marriage, Relationships
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Was wondering.....Views: 533
Jul 14, 2006 11:54 amWas wondering.....#

Sweet Angel
Hi friends ,

Was wondering if there should be any age differnce between the husband and wife? I mean is it necessary that the wife be younger to the hubby?? What if she is older to him by a few years?? I mean does this ahve any biological effects?? or its just a mental block that she has to be younger to him??? & if so, how much should be the ideal difference???

Lets see what is the general opinion...

Private Reply to Sweet Angel

Jul 17, 2006 5:38 amre: Was wondering.....#

Satomi Ivey-Johnson
Hi Sweet Angel,

I personally don't think that the wife has to be younger than the husband (although I am younger than my husband by 3 years). If you have two adults (not a child and an adult, like we are starting to see on the news more nowadays) and you both are mature enough and are comfortable with yourselves and comfortable with the age difference then I do not believe that the age should pose any type of problem to the relationship. A woman just has to understand how to be a wife to a younger man because I'm pretty sure that those "motherly type" things kick in where the wife will end up trying to be the husband's mother and you can't do that. Once you are married the wife is to submit to her husband and realize that, even if he is younger, he is the head of the household. Doesn't mean he should try to control the wife just that he is to be respected in that way. I hope this answered your question. PM me if you feel you want to talk. I'm always here.

Satomi T. Ivey-Johnson

Private Reply to Satomi Ivey-Johnson

Jul 17, 2006 5:58 pmre: re: Was wondering.....#

Marielena Alvarez
That "submit to your husband" crap is antiquated and should be earased from any discussion of relationships between partners. Women were made from Adam's rib, not his feet, as as such were made to be by his side, not controlled by him. A partnership should be equal, things done together from walking the dogs to making major decisions like buying a car or an new home.

My partner and I do things together, that keeps us together. We are on the same page about most things and he gently makes suggestions which he doesn't require me to follow, but it usually makes me take a look at things from his point of view, which is a good thing.

The more you have in common the better, but opposites do attract. The age difference is best when it is no more than five years, in either direction, ten or more years is not ideal and the rare exception in marriages.

Private Reply to Marielena Alvarez

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