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day 1 - how to attract the right man -Views: 545
Jul 21, 2006 2:16 pmday 1 - how to attract the right man -#

Sandra Harmon
I don't agree with the idea of submission, nor do I believe that equality is the answer to a successful relationship. I believe in equity. One male and one female, who compliment, but do not duplicate one another.

For the next ten days, I will explain some of my ideas, by way of an ecourse I created. I hope you enjoy it and learn from it.



Welcome to your FREE 10 day E Course created by Sandra Harmon, leading Dating, Sex and Relationship Coach with MyPrivateCoach.com and author of two best selling, self-help books, the powerful and ground breaking, “Getting To I Do” and its sequel, “Staying Married And Loving It”. (William Morrow).

In his amazing 10 day E Course, Sandra offers a realistic blueprint on how to change the destructive patterns women fall into, especially those women who are successful in business but find themselves without a lasting romantic relationship. Sandra demonstrates how injecting some old fashioned techniques into your repertoire, including flirting and learning the power of sexual roles, will help you attract the right man, and begin a healthy loving, and committed relationship.


In the “old days”, men were men and women were women. But that is no longer true. Today we have multiple choices, and we need new concepts if we are to mate and marry and stay married

If you are successful in your career, but without a fulfilling romantic relationship, it may be because you are confusing the skills you use in your business life, with the talents you need to employ in the bedroom.
If you’re a powerful woman, you don’t have to change. You just have to learn how to use your female side to attract men – that is if you want to be the female in the relationship. If not, I will show you how to attract the “right” man who will respect your leadership.


I believe that in order to make a relationship or marriage work, each person must decide freely whether to be the masculine energy partner or the feminine energy partner. Neither partner can be both. Today we all have access to both energies – active masculine and passive feminine – so we need inner choice. We cannot chaotically or spontaneously jump back and forth between the two. That destroys relationships and wears down one or both partners.

In romance, only opposites attract. People who are similar, if they come together, tend to repel each other.
What is romance? It’s a man who cares so much about a woman that he’ll be generous to her, provide for her, protect her, and cherish her feelings ahead of his own. He acts like her man.

The other side of this romantic ideal is that she will listen to her man’s ideas and his thinking. She doesn’t challenge him, make him “wrong” or make him feel inadequate. She lets him into her space and receives from him, without bristling. She doesn’t feel challenged and corrected just because he’s telling her what he thinks she should do. She’s not worried that if she doest have equality she will loser her power. She becomes his woman.
That’s the tradeoff and it works. It’s “equity” instead of “equality”

Unfortunately, “equality” breeds confusion and competition in a relationship, and ruins the romance between a man who craves respect and a woman who wishes to have her feelings cherished. But in an equitable relationship, one male and one female create a passionate team which is a credit to both peoples ability to set their egos aside for the good of the team.

When a man cherishes you, he will like giving more to you. He will feel secure that you “need” him and will not leave quickly. He will like being your protector. He feels secure in his care-taking ability, and you will feel secure and therefore respectful and loving toward him, and he loving toward you.

The male initiates and the female follows, but with absolute right to veto anything unethical or immoral as well as anything that doesn’t feel good to her body or hurts her money property or career.

But nothing is absolute. Eventually, you and your mate can negotiate changes in various aspects of your roles as various needs or desires arise.

Okay. So now you know that you can’t have it all. Now you know you have to decide whether you are willing to compromise in order to have a loving relationship. If you still haven’t decided, or if you still need to know more about how to choose your role, tomorrow I’ll talk about “Sex and Money”, the only two games in town.

See you then
Sandra Harmon

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