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Day 4 - How To Attract The RIGHT Man!Views: 423
Jul 24, 2006 8:11 pmDay 4 - How To Attract The RIGHT Man!#

Sandra Harmon


Now that you look great, where do you find him? It's simple. Start by going where the men are, and that includes "on-line" dating. These days you must go out and hunt for romance with the same skill and determination you would muster to look for a job or an apartment.


You must get out there among people, at parties, supermarkets, theater lines, parks, beaches, restaurants, offices, adult education class and ball games, ready, willing and able to flirt.


Go out to at least one social event a week. Also think about the qualities you want in a man. If it's important for him to share your love of classical music, by all means order Philharmonic tickets right now, but this time, instead of going just for Mozart, go to flirt as well. If you feel its important for him to be athletic, look for him at your gym or tennis court or golf course or jogging tack, or while biking, walking or doing whatever sport you do. If his religion of political part is important, then look for him at church or a political meeting, go where you go naturally but try to view it as a pool of potential mates.


If a woman chooses to be the feminine energy partner, she should look for a masculine energy man. If however, a woman chooses to be the masculine energy partner, she must look for a feminine energy man to compliment her, because she will collide with a masculine energy man instead of negotiating a commitment.

Consider an aggressive, gregarious woman who knows what she likes in a man immediately and enjoys approaching him to start a relationship. If the man she approaches is predominantly female energy based, or passive, things could work out. But if he is a masculine man who enjoys the conquest of going after a woman and catching her, a relationship between these two people is ill-fated. Neither will feel the satisfaction of his or her basic drive to assert and initiate.

On the other hand, what about a woman who spots a man she is drawn to, but who, every time he looks her way, looks down for fear of seeming too forward. If this man is drawn to her but is also fearful of being rejected and doesn't approach her, how can they get together? Both the man and woman are passive receivers and not aggressive imitators.


Since male energy is assertive and female energy is passive, the one who speak first is male.
Some men may wait for you to approach them, but unless you're willing to be the masculine energy it the relationship, don't do it. Don't make it easy for him. Having "chasing space" is a turn on for a masculine man. It is then that he begins to fall in love. How do you attract a man toward you? By flirting!


Statistical research as well as anthropological studies show that even though a man might be attracted to a woman, before he can approach her, the sensitive part of him needs a signal from her that is approachable and available and isn't going to reject him.

Flirting is that signal. It's the way you invite him by your own body language to come across the room and ask you out. Tomorrow I'll explain exactly how to "Flirt". Once you get the hang of it, and the courage to do it, you'll be thrilled at the reaction you will get.

See you tomorrow!
Sandra Harmon, Your love Coach - 310 474-5999

copywrite - Sandra Harmon - 2005

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