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Day 8 - How To Attract The Right Man!Views: 529
Aug 07, 2006 12:40 amDay 8 - How To Attract The Right Man!#

Sandra Harmon
There are businessmen all over the place. And millions of them are single..


When you are wearing business clothes, give yourself a touch of femininity in the shape, color, fabric. Try a pink jacket instead of a black one, a pretty blouse, and high heeled shoes that are in good shape and make your legs look great. .

Remember, if you meet an interesting, attractive and available new man at a business meeting, you don't want to wish you had worn something pretty; instead, wear something that is pretty and feminine.

Why not wear a sexy bra and panties under your business suit (or anything you are wearing) for your own sense of yourself as a desirable woman. Try it. It feels wonderful!

Now, what if you meet a man but you don't get a chance to utilize your femininity and magnetism before he already knows how smart and successful you are? It happens almost every day. It's called business.
Remember my advice about your clothes. You can look like a corporate executive and a feminine, sensual woman at the same time.

Now, you may be sexually attracted to a nice single man with all the right qualities, yet your work depends on your giving him a dazzling display of your intellectual gifts, showing him how efficient and aggressive you are. In short, that you're as good a man as he is, or better.

Don't worry about crossed signals. As long as you're speaking to him as a businesswoman, go for the gold. You won't hurt your chances one bit if you handle both your business and personal situations correctly. Sell him, pitch him, convince him and do the deal. Then when it is over and you meet him over the buffet table or in the hallway, don't pick up the conversation again. If you do, you're still doing business.

Let him reach forward and bring you out. Be a feminine woman. Give him your most receptive look, and smile. He has already seen your dynamic, powerful side; A masculine man will be able to respect you as a businesswoman and still cherish your soft, feminine side. But you must provide him with chase space. Let him be in control, and let him speak first. And if he asks you out, and you don't want him, please be gracious. You may choose to reject him because he's weird or married or turns out not to be as interesting as you thought, but at least he has been supported for approaching you, and, you have given him the respect he deserves, so he will be comfortable going back to doing business with you.

However, if you like him and you want to move the relationship forward, you can never make the ultimate mistake-going home and sleeping with him. Just as there are clear rules for getting a man, there are clear rules for keeping him.
The foremost and most formidable is, "NO SEX WITHOUT COMMITMENT", which I will talk about tomorrow..

See you then,
Sandra Harmon
Your Love Coach - 310-474-5999


Why not go to my web site, http://www.sandraharmon.com and sign up for your complimentary coaching session. You'll be glad you did.

copywrite/Sandra Harmon 2005

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