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Four-Letter "F" Word!Views: 568
Apr 27, 2005 3:27 pmFour-Letter "F" Word!#

David Badurina

Hey everyone,

I recently sent this out with my latest newsletter and thought I'd include the blurb here to hopefully stir up a little action on this Un-Marketing board ...

The four-letter F-Word is one of those special combination of letters that can be used in many different ways and many different scenarios. It's completely adaptable and fluid in it's usage. Arguably, combinations of four-letter words beginning with the letter F are the most useful and enjoyable to use in every day conversation.

Okay, before you think I've blown a gasket and become crazier than 10 rabid squirrels stuffed down your shorts, have a look at the following phrases:

  • "F _ _ _ , are you kidding me?"
  • "What are you talking about, you crazy F _ _ _ !?"
  • "My dog is fluffy, F _ _ _ him!"
  • "I need to get up early tomorrow, I'm F _ _ _ ing some animals at the zoo!"

So why have I subjected you to these phrases today? Because this is a lesson in perception. Words can be very powerful. Without even telling you what word is used in the phrases above, chances are you've substituted a specific four-letter F word at least once into those phrases. Think about the reaction that was going on inside of you while reading those statements, and substitute the proper words listed below:

  • "Free, are you kidding me?"
  • "What are you talking about, you crazy Fool!?"
  • "My dog is fluffy, Feel him!"
  • "I need to get up early tomorrow, I'm Filming some animals at the zoo!" (I know you got this one wrong you naughty, naughty person!)

Think about how you use language every day in business correspondence, on your website, or in your advertising. Are you using the right words? Are you getting the kinds of reactions from people that you desire, or are you making people recoil in horror? Language is a powerful thing, use it right and you'll be an expert communicator so nobody will have to fill in the blanks!


David Badurina

Private Reply to David Badurina

May 09, 2005 1:04 amre: Four-Letter "F" Word!#

Jill Hurst-Wahl

Thanks for this! Wording is very important and often we select the wrong one in haste.


Private Reply to Jill Hurst-Wahl

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