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Obesity rates keep rising in the U.S...Views: 666
Jul 01, 2009 3:28 pmObesity rates keep rising in the U.S...#

Mirdza Hayden

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has long said that nearly a third of Americans are obese. The Trust report uses somewhat more conservative CDC surveys for a closer state-by-state look. Among the findings:

-Mississippi had the highest rate of adult obesity, 32.5 percent, for the fifth year in a row.

-Three additional states now have adult obesity rates above 30 percent, including Alabama, 31.2 percent; West Virginia, 31.1 percent; and Tennessee, 30.2 percent.

-Colorado had the lowest rate of obese adults, at 18.9 percent, followed by Massachusetts, 21.2 percent; and Connecticut, 21.3 percent.

-Mississippi also had the highest rate of overweight and obese children, at 44.4 percent. It's followed by Arkansas, 37.5 percent; and Georgia, 37.3 percent.

-Following Alabama, Michigan ranks No. 2 with the most -bese 55- to 64-year-olds, 36 percent. Colorado has the lowest rate, 21.8 percent.

** Read the complete article written by By LAURAN NEERGAARD, AP Medical Writer Lauran Neergaard, Ap Medical Writer, by clicking on this facebook link I have on my profile page: http://www.facebook.com/ext/share.php?sid=117204987993&h=GEHv6&u=K4Xm0&ref=nf

"Working from home to lower obesity rates across the U.S"

Private Reply to Mirdza Hayden

Jul 06, 2009 3:06 pmre: Obesity rates keep rising in the U.S...#

Byron Reagan
I lived in Mississippi three different times (over 10 yrs total) when I was still active duty in the military. I currently live in Tennessee and am a Tennessee native.

The people here do NOT want to hear about health if it means changing their diet. I have tried, tried and tried.

Even when I was distributing Dr. Miller's Holy Tea - 90% of my customers were from outside the South. 50% of my customers were from CA.

I like living here (Nashville area) but have given up on trying to help them. The smart ones don't need my help and the vast majority just won't listen. It's very sad. All my immediate family are slim and trim while all the cousins are fat (and think we are wierd for avoiding fast foods and eating healthy). Don't mean top be bragging, just stating that we "walk the walk" when it comes to health.

I may be wierd but I'm not sick either.


Private Reply to Byron Reagan

Jul 06, 2009 3:58 pmre: re: Obesity rates keep rising in the U.S...#

Mirdza Hayden

A lot of people around definitely do not like to be told they are fat and unhealthy. Those of us who have found a way to be healthier and fitter, need to simply be a good influence on those around us. We need to model a good healthy lifestyle. We need to keep getting the word out that fitness and health is a priority. We need to keep sharing with people how being healthy has affected our own lives in a positive way, and one day some will come around and actually ask us for help. I've recently had the pleasure to get one of my brothers and his wife come around and ask me to coach them back into health.

Our role is to simply model a good lifestyle and present to people a program that will help them, when they are ready to listen. Our role is NOT to fireshoot them with a whole bunch of health information and then get upset when they don't listen to us. When we are with a company that helps us reach our fitness and health goals, like I am, we can simply reach for our own goals, invite others to join us, and then coach those who WANT to be coached.

"Working from home helping people around the world"

Private Reply to Mirdza Hayden

Jul 14, 2009 4:38 amre: re: re: Obesity rates keep rising in the U.S...#

Tamara Parisio
I recommend the FAMILY FITNESS PATH for every BODY! It is a great way to influence children (your own, those around you, grands, the inner child) and find a workout that fits ANY schedule. Check it out: www.familyfitnesspath.com and let me know what you think!

Yesterday, I did three workouts (each very brief) ... but, if not for the Fitness Path, I would have just succomed to my busy-ness and omitted a workout at all. The Path shows me how to fit in a balanced fitness regimen in as little as ten minutes at a time ...

Private Reply to Tamara Parisio

Jul 14, 2009 1:23 pmre: re: re: re: Obesity rates keep rising in the U.S...#

Mirdza Hayden

Seems like a good beginner's program and a good way for parents to involve their young kids, for sure.

"Working from home helping people around the world"

Private Reply to Mirdza Hayden

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