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"Your Brain on Exercise", by Tony HortonViews: 687
Jul 18, 2009 2:27 pm"Your Brain on Exercise", by Tony Horton#

Mirdza Hayden

Reknown personal trainer Tony Horton wrote an article called "Your Brain On Exercise". Here is an exerpt of it:

"There was an astonishing article in Newsweek a few weeks back that just blew my mind/brain/cranium/noggin. Here's what I've learned from this article and further research. We all know that working out and exercising do amazing things for our body, and the benefits, other than weight loss and getting fit, are endless. Most of us also know that when our hearts, legs, and lungs get pumping, we feel much better than if we did nothing. Turns out that doing 20 minutes or more of cardiovascular and/or high-paced resistance workouts affects every aspect of our lives. The great thing about the Newsweek article is that it really laid out the scientific findings over the last few years."

Tony Horton goes on to say what he found interesting in the article: "When you're forced to pull more oxygen into the body through exercise, you break what's called "the blood-brain barrier." It happens when you climb a long flight of stairs and when you're busting through any kind of workout that gets your heart rate pumping. This oxygen-filled blood makes its way into the temporal lobe of the brain. Inside that temporal lobe is an area called the hippocampus. Inside the hippocampus lies the seahorse-shaped area known as the dentate gyrus. As you exercise, these oxygen-filled blood cells rush into this area of the brain. A chemical/protein called IGF-1 is formed and released inside the dentate gyrus, which ramps up another chemical/molecule called BDNF; both IGF-1 and BDNF are "Miracle-grow" for the brain."

Exercise does much more than help us lose weight and get fit. It actually helps our brain function better, helps us rest better at night, reduces cholesterol and high blood pressure, helps reverse diseases like diabtes.... Exercise is so beneficial for all of us, so do take the time to make exercise a habit. Find a good program and change it up a bit (or a lot) every 30 days so you dont' plateau. Exercise for your overall health!

"Working from home helping people around the world"

Private Reply to Mirdza Hayden

Jul 18, 2009 2:39 pmre: "Your Brain on Exercise", by Tony Horton#

Mirdza Hayden

Tony Horton mentions in the article also that aerobic exercise causes the release of dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine. Basically we get the effect of Prozac or Ritalin, but without the expense and the side-effects of these drugs.

Other benefits he mentions we get from exercise include:

* Children who play outdoors more often score better on tests than kids who don't.

* Regular physical activity improves memory, mood, and problem-solving abilities.

* Consistent exercise raises self-esteem and decreases anxiety.

* Reduces the risk of getting Alzheimer's. Study after study has proven that people who exercise 5 to 6 days a week greatly decrease their need for psychotherapeutic drugs. If your brain goes without regular bouts of exercise, the hippocampus will shrink and erode, which can lead to neurological illnesses such as Alzheimer's disease.

* It reverses aging. "I'm not talking about just slowing the aging process," Tony says, "I'm telling you that the brain creates new cells through exercise—brand new cells that assist in the reversal of aging. If you're looking for the fountain of youth, you can find it inside your head every time you exercise for more than 20 minutes."

Start making exercise a habit and see how magnificent you will start to feel, and look. Don't just pick any exercise program though; look for one that will work your body hard (quality not quantity) and do the movements in PROPER FORM.

"Working from home helping people around the world"

Private Reply to Mirdza Hayden

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