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What is most challenging for you?Views: 679
Jul 24, 2009 2:50 pmWhat is most challenging for you?#

Mirdza Hayden

It's not always easy to live a fit and healthy lifestyle in midst of a society that prefers to go down the unhealthy path. What is the biggest challenge you face as you walk down the fit and healthy lifestyle?

"Working from home helping people around the world"

Private Reply to Mirdza Hayden

Jul 24, 2009 10:30 pmre: What is most challenging for you?#

Tatiana Abend
Great question! I'd say, consistency. I must admit, I eat well, get to the gym (I am, after all a HEALTH COACH by profession), I drink all my water, do yoga in the morning, have a huge vegetable garden in a mild climate, love to cook, and am starting experimenting with food combining. But I'd love to be a bit more consistent all around! That is a little hurdle but a great goal of mine to remember to do all those good things, EVERY day. Thanks for the contact and hope to see many insights unravel here. Until real soon from Tatiana

Private Reply to Tatiana Abend

Jul 25, 2009 1:24 pmre: re: What is most challenging for you?#

Mirdza Hayden

Being consistent is sometimes tough. But once we make the things a habit, like brushing our teeth everyday, or taking a shower and getting dressed every morning, consistency becomes second-nature to us. At first, we need to be extremely concious about what we do, and maybe even go as far as keeping a journal to make sure we did it all. After a while, though, we just automatically do it and there are few things we need to force ourselves to do.

Thanks for sharing your fitness challenge, Tatiana. Keep doing all those good things and helping and inspiring others to do the same.

"Working from home helping people around the world"

Private Reply to Mirdza Hayden

Jul 29, 2009 12:57 pmre: re: re: What is most challenging for you?#

Susan Graves
I messed up my knees in a car accident a few years ago, so steps are a big problem.

And my ice cream cravings..


Work From Home Team Leader
Take a Sniff

Private Reply to Susan Graves

Jul 29, 2009 4:25 pmre: re: re: re: What is most challenging for you?#

Mirdza Hayden

Oh,no!! Are you taking anything to help your restore the ligaments in your knees so you can once again exercise without a problem? I hope so... If not, and you would like my advice, send me a PM, ok?

As far as icecream cravings go, do you keep icecream at home, or do you go and get icecream whenever you crave it? How much icecream would you say you eat in a week and in one setting?

"Working from home helping people around the world"

Private Reply to Mirdza Hayden

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