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Toronto's Secret Gold Investment returns 1,739% after gold prices rise!Views: 2581
Mar 21, 2007 1:39 amToronto's Secret Gold Investment returns 1,739% after gold prices rise!#

Toronto's Secret Gold Investment returns 1,739% after gold prices rise!
Gold is up 120% since 2002 — but a secret investment from Toronto returns 10-times as much after gold prices rise. Last time conditions were this good, it returned 1,739%. That's why The New York Times recently told American investors to "pay attention to Canada".

Dear Reader,

We are in the early stages of a major gold bull market right now.

The price has more than doubled since 2002.

And as The Wall Street Journal recently reported: "Investment demand for gold rose 56% in the third quarter and is expected to increase further." The World Gold Council reports that the demand for gold increased by 7,802 tons last year—that's 250 million ounces.

What most people don't know, however, is that there's a unique investment in Toronto, which skyrockets during every gold bull market. Specifically, it goes up after the price of gold has already increased.

The last time conditions were this good, it soared 1,739%... 2,779%... and 3,479%. And these are the small gains.

Some investors had the chance to make as much as 13,000% using Toronto's Gold Secret during the last bull market. Others had the chance to make even more—an incredible 26,000%! That kind of return turns $500 into $130,500.

I can't promise exactly how much you'll make using Toronto's Secret Gold Investment during this gold bull market.

But I can say without hesitation that you could double, triple, or even quadruple your money in the next year or two. But you must decide soon whether or not this investment is for you.

That's because the word is already starting to get out in the mainstream press:

• The New York Times recently reported that, "After more than a decade... [Toronto's Secret Gold Investment] is capturing investors' imagination."

• The Wall Street Journal reported that this secret investment "seldom grabs the limelight, or even registers on most investors' radar screens. But with commodity prices strong... [Toronto's Secret Gold Investment] is on a roll."

If you want to get rich in the next few years, there is simply no better, surer, way to do it, starting with a small investment stake.

Let me show you how it all works...

How to make 1,739% with
Toronto's Secret Gold

Most Americans don't have a clue about how Toronto's Secret Gold Investment makes people rich. It actually happens in very predictable cycles, about once every decade.

You see, in the gold business, there are two kinds of companies.

First, there are the companies that dig gold out of the ground after it has been discovered. These are the "producers." They drill holes, blast rocks into a manageable size, then haul the rock for milling, stripping, oxidizing, and leaching... before smelting into gold bars that can be sold in the market.

Some of the most well-known gold producers are Newmont, American Barrick, and Placer Dome.

These companies have done well during the current bull market—up as much as 200% during that period.

But what most investors don't realize is that it's the second type of company, the small gold "explorers," that always produce the biggest gains in gold bull markets.

These are the companies that send geologists around the world, scouring for the next gold discovery. They find a promising deposit, and get samples of the rock beneath the surface using drill rigs. If the samples indicate there may be enough gold to profitably mine, they either sell the rights or do the work themselves.

What's interesting about gold bull markets is that these exploration companies explode in price AFTER the price of gold has already jumped.

In the late 1970s, for example, the price of gold skyrocketed, from around $200 in 1979 to over $800 in January 1980. But it wasn't until AFTER the price of gold peaked that the best exploration companies saw their biggest gains.

What kind of profits am I talking about?

• Carolin Mines up 1,739 %
• Mosquito Creek Gold up 971 %
• Lincoln Resources up 2,464 %
• Avino Mines up 1,567 %
• Copper Lake Expl. up 13,025 %
• Lornex up 467 %
• David Minerals up 1,726 %
• Eagle River Mines up 3,479 %
• Meston Lake Resources up 1,213 %
• Silverado Mines up 3,987 %
• Wharf Resources up 2,779 %

A simple $500 invested in each of these companies would have given you $172,585. $1,000 invested in each of these companies would have given you about $350,000.

Something similar happened in the early 1980s. After a brief run-up in the price of gold, the best exploration companies saw unbelievable gains:

• Corona Resources shot up 5,445 %
• Golden Sceptre shot up 7,650 %
• Goliath Gold went up 7,011 %

And it happened again more recently, in the mid-1990's. Look at the graphic below. A handful of discoveries and a run-up in gold prices were followed by tremendous gains for the best exploration companies:

The total gains these companies made over a span of several years is simply amazing:

• Cartaway up 26,040 %
• Pacific Amber up 4,376 %
• Conquistador up 1,874 %
• Corriente up 1,850 %
• Valerie Gold up 1827 %
• Arequipa Resources up 5,692 %
• Farallon up 2,431 %
• Arizona Star up 3,090%
• Cream Minerals up 3,050 %
• Mansfield up 1,400 %
• Oliver Gold up 1,600 %

If you had put $10,000 into the worst of these companies, you would have walked away a year or so later with $150,000.

If you had put just $500 into each of these companies, you would have made an incredible $271,650.

The current bull market is well underway, but only one in a hundred U.S. investors know it. It's like the Internet stocks in the early 1990s.

Every time, like clockwork, AFTER the price of gold jumps, the mania begins. Investors are willing to pour tons of money into the companies that are best at FINDING new gold: the explorers.

What does this have to do with Toronto's Gold Secret, which can make you a small fortune? Let me explain...

Toronto's Gold Secret Revealed

As you probably know, companies explore for gold all over the world: Russia, Mongolia, Africa, Canada, Mexico, the United States, the list is endless.

In short, if there's gold in the ground, exploration companies will go after it. Gold has now been mined on every continent except Antarctica. The profits are simply too good to pass up.

These companies are small. They are volatile. And they are completely overlooked by the average investor. That's going to change.

But what most people don't know is that almost all of the money for these projects comes from one place: Toronto.

You see, while mining and exploration industries are virtually non-existent in America, they are big business in Canada.

In fact, EVERY single company I mentioned above is listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX).

Because natural resource exploration is so important in Canada (the country has among the greatest collections of natural resources on the planet), the banks and investment houses there are much more attuned to this sector.

That's why The Toronto Stock Exchange is home to 10-times as many gold exploration companies as we have in America.

Most people don't know it, but far more money is raised on the Toronto Stock Exchange for mineral exploration than any other market in the world, bar none. In fact, 80% of all of the exploration dollars in the entire world come from Canada.

As The New York Times recently explained, "the global mining industry is generally dominated by British, Canadian and Australian companies. Many small exploration companies are listed on the Toronto exchange."

The good news is that you can invest in these companies very easily, without ever leaving home. And you can make a fortune doing it after a spike in gold prices—right where we are right now.

We have watched the price of gold climb steadily in the past few years—and now we're about to see the price of these gold exploration companies take off... just like they've done in every previous gold bull market.

These companies are small. They are extremely volatile and they are completely overlooked by the average investor. But that's going to change.

And as if the potential of these quadruple digit gains weren't enough... there's another factor at play... a huge movement in the equities markets that could send these stocks even higher.

This is the final piece of Toronto's Gold Secret--and it has the potential to make you even more money in the next few months.

How to buy these stocks
before they go public in the U.S.
Over the past few months, some of these tiny gold exploration companies that were listed only in Toronto have applied to be listed on the United States stock exchanges too.

I'm sure I don't have to tell you what can happen when a stock goes from having 39 million people following it (in Canada)... to 300 million (in the U.S.).

Take a look at what happened when a company called Nova Gold first got its U.S. listing, for example:

Nova Gold was listed originally only on the Toronto Exchange. They applied for a listing on the American Stock Exchange (AMEX) and got their listing in December of 2003. The share price has skyrocketed 389% in the past two and a half years.

The same thing happened to a company called Fronteer Development Group. They were listed only in Toronto, got listed in the U.S. about a year ago, and have seen their share price go up 620% in the past year and a half. Investors who got in early, while the company was still listed only in Toronto, have made a killing.

More recently, a company called Almaden Minerals did the same. The company was listed only on the Toronto Exchange and got an AMEX listing in December 2005. Within two months, the stock traded up about 100%.

The point is, you can buy the best exploration companies BEFORE they get listed in America. And when you do that you can make a heck of a lot of money.

How can you cash in on this situation right now? Let me show you...

How a $5,000 investment
today could make you rich
My name is Doug Casey.

My specialty is traveling the globe to find unique money making opportunities most Americans never hear about on their own. I've been doing this for the past 30 years.

I learned about Toronto's gold exploration business on scores of trips to Canada over the past two decades. (Don't worry, I can show you how to take advantage of this opportunity without ever leaving home.)

In addition to Canada, I've visited more than 175 countries during my travels. I've presented my findings on national television--such as CNN, Merv Griffin, Charlie Rose, Regis Philbin, and NBC News. Phil Donahue even devoted an entire show to my work.

I've also written about my findings in three books (two were NY Times bestsellers, one of which was #1 on the NY Times bestseller list for 29 weeks), and have been the subject of articles in Time, Forbes, People, The Washington Post, and the May 2005 issue of The New York Times Sunday Magazine.

I can tell you from firsthand experience that Toronto's gold exploration companies offer you the best moneymaking opportunity in the world right now.

I've been taking advantage of the recurring cycles, loading up when the stocks were cheap, then selling at the top.

That's why I've made this the focus of my company, Casey Research, over the past few years. We have offices on both coasts of the United States, and in Canada too—each year we spend a great deal of money visiting and interviewing the key players as well as properties all over the world.

I know a lot about the people running these Toronto-listed exploration companies. Very few other investment analysts even know they exist.

Each year I travel across the globe looking at their projects: Spain, Kazakhstan, Sweden, New Zealand, Russia, Peru, The Yukon, Argentina, Mexico, and dozens of other "off-the-radar" venues.

Look, there are no guarantees. I've been in this business long enough to know that when something looks too good to be true, it usually is. But there is an opportunity before you today that you will probably never have again in your lifetime. I've been urging everyone I care about to take advantage of it—my friends... my family... my employees.

If you follow just a handful of my simple recommendations over the next year or two, it's possible you may make more money than you know what to do with.

If you have $5,000 to start with today, and follow my advice, you could soon have enough to buy a new home almost anywhere in the world when this boom is over.

Start with $10,000, and you could have enough money to quit worrying about money for the rest of your life.

In short, a small investment today could pay for a luxurious life for the next 30 years. I'm not kidding. And I'm not exaggerating.

I encourage you to act soon, however. As I mentioned, the story is already starting to get out in America. In just the past few months, Kiplinger's Personal Finance, Business Week, and The Wall Street Journal have each written on the subject.

To help you take advantage of this situation, my Research Staffers and I have put together a Comprehensive Report explaining everything you need to know. In this report, I detail exactly which Toronto gold exploration companies to buy right now and how to buy them. For example:

• Toronto Investment #1 is a Toronto-listed company that, in the past, has helped governments clean up old mining sites, and has now used its expertise and contacts to acquire one of the best silver projects in the world, plus several nice gold properties. What I like about this business is that they keep making money on their environmental cleanup business, while they work their 30+ million ounce silver project. This $5 stock could easily be trading at $15 a share or more in the next few years.

• Toronto Investment #2 is an exploration company with expertise in South American geology. They are currently working on a gold and silver project with one of the most successful explorers and developers in the world. The stock sells for less than $3 a share today, and with the gold-silver veins continuing to return spectacular drill results, it could easily be trading at several times this price in one year.

• Toronto Investment #3 is a small exploration company with big operations in Argentina. Like the other companies I’m recommending you buy, however, it’s listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange. This company has found about 1 million ounces of gold in the ground... and expects to double that number by the end of this year. We like this company so much we’ve visited their operations twice, and met recently with management in Vancouver. The guy running this company has been the president since 1991... and today you can buy it for less than $3.50 a share.

• Toronto Investment #4 owns one of the largest advanced copper-gold exploration targets in the world, with—get this--more than 9 billion pounds of copper, and 4.2 million ounces of gold, plus five million ounces of silver and a good dose of molybdenum too. And that’s only from explorations so far. I’ve sent my researchers to take a look at these properties firsthand. You can buy this company for less than $7 as I write—and that’s cheap, given how few shares this company has outstanding.

• Toronto Investment #5 is also based on the Toronto exchange, but does its primary business in Sweden and Finland. The company has literally hundreds of millions of tons of iron ore, and about 900,000 ounces of gold in its vast holdings—and that’s just a start. I’ve met the men who run this company a half-dozen times in the last few years. In fact, whenever I’m in town, I play poker with the guy who is the driving force behind this business. Today, the company costs about $3 a share. It won’t be that cheap for very long.

Why these five companies, out of the hundreds listed?

Well, frankly, it's a matter of judgment, and that's something I've worked to develop over my three decades in the business.

I personally know and speak on a regular basis with all of the major players in the business.

Unless you're in the business, you've probably never heard of these guys.

Take Lukas Lundin, for example, who heads up the Lundin Group. Based in Geneva, the Lundin Group runs twelve companies engaged in exploration and development of oil and gas, gold, copper, cobalt, zinc, diamonds, uranium, iodine, sodium sulphate, and potassium nitrate.

Or Robert Friedland, one of the richest guys in the world, and a regular on the Forbes' list. He made his first fortune uncovering one of the world's biggest nickel deposits, and sold it for $3.1 billion. Now he runs Ivanhoe Mines, with huge gold and copper deposits in Mongolia. I stay in close touch with Robert, Lukas, and other key players in the industry.

I hope you don't think I'm saying this to brag. It's just that a lot of people claim to be experts in this industry—but very few people have been around it as long as I have, and have the contacts I do.

I visit exploration properties and mines often. I've gone underground too many times to count. To assess these companies, I use what I call the "8 P's." I look at the People... the Property... the Paper (how the company is financed)... and Price for starters. I don't want to reveal the final four "P's" of my formula, because that's how we make the big money, with very little risk. You'll get all the details as soon as you begin receiving my research.

I'll show you several ways to buy these Toronto-listed companies. It's easy and straightforward.

Then, I'll show you how long to hold them. I'll tell you when to cash out part of your holdings, and when to cash out the remainder, to make the most money possible. Knowing when to sell is just as important as knowing when to buy. These are not stocks to pass onto your grandkids. We'll probably be out of these companies in the next 5 years.

But right now, selling is the furthest thing from our mind, as we are only at the beginning of a boom, the likes of which we have not seen in the past 100 years.

Believe me, you have not missed the biggest gains. It's still early in the game.

During the last big gold boom, during the 1970s, gold rose more than 20 times in price and silver almost 40 times. So you see, the increases we've seen in the past few years are just the beginning.

In inflation adjusted dollars, the price of gold would be over $2,000. Yes, all of these things are up... but the mania stage taking us to a blow-off is still in the future.

And remember: The biggest gains in small exploration companies come AFTER the price of gold rises.

As I mentioned earlier, demand for gold is skyrocketing—yet the gold industry cannot keep up. The entire industry produces just 2,500 tons a year.

That's why companies are starting to spend a fortune on new exploration.

In the last two years, exploration funding in the gold industry has tripled from $783 million to $2.3 billion.

As The Toronto Star recently reported: "Over the last 10 years, the lack of exploration and lack of development of new mines and record-low inventories for most metals just leads to better outcomes going forward."

If you are interested in taking advantage of this situation, you will get all of the details in my latest Investment Research Report. It's called: The Toronto Retirement Plan. In this report I detail the five best gold exploration investments in the world, which are all listed on the Toronto stock exchange.

I call it The Toronto Retirement Plan because I believe a small investment in each of these companies today could very well give you enough money to live on for the rest of your life. I know that seems hard to believe, but it is absolutely true.

Keep in mind: I'm not always a gold bull. I always keep in the back of my mind that gold shares aren't heirlooms, they're burning matches. I still think this market will see gold's biggest run in history, but the good news is that the mania hasn't even begun.

I'd like to send you a copy of this report free of charge. I'll tell you how to get it in a second.

But first you must decide: Does this strategy make sense for you? Here's how to find out...

How I made my money, and
can help you do the same

I admit, the strategy I'm recommending you take advantage of is unconventional.

I guarantee most of your friends and neighbors will never even consider investing in a single one of these Toronto-listed companies. At least not now. Just as few bought Internet stocks until the game was almost over. But that's how you get rich—by finding the best ideas before they become popular.

The truth is, these are unconventional times.

The U.S. government is far bigger, more intrusive, and more expensive than it's ever been before. We don't manufacture half the things we used to. The average American is buried in debt. Plus, we're in a war that has already cost more than Vietnam, and will cost billions more before it's all over. And our currency is in deep, deep trouble.

The simple facts are that you are not going to retire early, or quit your job, or make a lot of money in the markets in the next decade by being conventional.

To survive and prosper in this environment, you need an unconventional investment strategy. That's where I can help. Here's what I recommend...

First, take about 80% of the money in your portfolio and put it into the safest assets you can find. I like super-safe bonds, Swiss annuities, gold, silver, and foreign certificates of deposit, to name just a few.
Then, with the remaining 20% of your portfolio, learn the art of intelligent speculation. Why invest this way? Simple...

Speculation is how most rich investors (including myself) got that way. I've made (and have helped others make) literally millions following this formula. Again, I don't say this to brag—I just want you to know that I practice what I preach. I know this works from firsthand experience. And I've been doing it for most of my life. For example...

• After finishing school I bought Ferraris in Italy because they were extraordinarily cheap, taking advantage of a temporary arbitrage opportunity to earn 100% profits selling to Americans.

• My very first investment report detailed a piece of property (complete with a castle) in Rhodesia, of all places. The price was $85,000. It sold for $13 million about a decade later.

• Beginning back in 1979, I listed 23 mining stocks in a book called Crisis Investing. If you had invested $1,000 in each your position would have tripled in value, by the end of 1980... just over a year later. This book became a New York Times best seller, and at the time was the best-selling financial book in history.

You see, my specialty is to find little-known investments most Americans have never heard of. I recommend them when they are ridiculously cheap and unpopular. I sell when the "average Joe" finally gets on board...

• In the early 1980s I recommended stocks on the New York Stock Exchange, because no one was interested in stocks. You may recall that back then, everyone was afraid of the stock market. Business Week even ran a cover story with the headline: "The Death of Equities." You probably know what happened next—the market began its biggest bull run in history. I specifically recommended cellular telephone companies, each of which saw gains of well over 1,000%.

• In the early 1990s I recommended that Americans buy Swiss annuities, with huge ultra-safe gains that would have better than doubled your money by the end of the decade.

• About this time I also bought and recommended real estate in Aspen. I probably don't have to tell you what happened next—my property has gone up about 5-times in price, and some of my neighbors have seen gains of more than 1,000%.

These are just a few of the investments I've bought personally, and have recommended to readers of my monthly advisory letter, called the International Speculator.

I'll tell you more about the unusual recommendations I've made over the years in just a minute, but first let me tell you about another great speculation I see in the markets right now...

The Secret Bull Market that
could make you 1,500%

You know, it's crazy the way most people invest...

They get caught up in the media hype, and completely miss out on the easiest profits in the markets.

Right now, for example, what is everyone talking about? Oil... real estate... China... options scandals...

Yet the average investor doesn't have a clue about one of the best trends of the past 6 years, which is making people rich right now... and will provide spectacular results over the next five years or so.

I'm talking about silver.

No one's talking about the current bull market in silver right now. But the truth is, it's happening before our eyes...

If you don't believe we've entered into a silver bull market, just take a look at silver's price gains over the last six years:

Up 0.21%

Up 1.52%

Up 28.1%

Up 14.05%

Up 29.03%

Up 46.02%

And the trend is continuing right now. Gold is up just under 3% through March 1st of this year—but silver has more than doubled that gain.

As you can see, the rise in silver prices since the start of the century is accelerating. And yet these numbers should not be shocking. Silver has been forgotten for decades. It is making up for lost time, and will continue to do so for a long time to come.

How high will silver go?

No one knows for sure, of course. But keep in mind that in silver's last big bull market (during the 1970s), the price shot up about 2,500%.

That's why I strongly, strongly recommend you buy shares of the world's best silver company, immediately.

You should make tremendous gains over the next five years and beyond... simply because silver is in the beginning of a huge bull market. As more people catch on, the gains will only accelerate.

Plus... you should also do extremely well because of a unique situation taking shape at this company right now. Let me explain...

The business I'm talking about is unique. Essentially, all this company has done for the past 14 years is buy the best silver properties in the world, when prices were ridiculously cheap.

For example, years ago, when silver was less than half the price it is now, this company bought a 94-million ounce property in South America. They paid the equivalent of less than 3 cents per ounce. They bought another 110-million ounce property South of the border for the equivalent of about 6 cents per ounce.

So far, all this company's done is sit on these properties. They essentially operated as a "land bank," and simply waited for the price of silver to go up.

And right now, this company has the largest silver resource base in the sector... bigger than the next three companies combined. This company is also the cheapest, when you compare the silver they own to the share price.

The exciting news is, this company is about to start taking silver out of the ground--the company announced plans to begin producing silver on their richest properties.

I predict the price of this company will shoot up as production begins.

The story here is simple. Few people realize the silver bull market we're in right now (which is still in its infancy). And today there's one absolute-best way to play it.

No matter what your age, or how much money you have, you should buy shares of this company right away, and put these shares away for the next five years. You could realistically make 100% on this investment... every year for the next 5 years or more. (If you think I'm exaggerating, keep in mind that the share price has climbed about 100% in the past year.)

I explain everything you need to know in my new report called: The Secret Bull Market that Could Make You 1,500%.

I'll send you a copy of this research report free of charge when you try a subscription to my monthly International Speculator investment service.

What kind of other research and recommendations will you receive as a subscriber? Let me give you a few more examples...

How to make 300% in real
estate, stocks, and even bonds

Over the past 30 years, I've helped many of my friends, family members, and readers make a lot of money using a unique method of investing most Americans will never try.

I know I can do the same for you. You see, investing becomes a very predictable business when you buy things of value that are ridiculously cheap, before the average investor catches on and bids up the price.

I will help you find anomalies where risk and reward are heavily weighted in your favor. It's what I've been doing for the past three decades, both with my own money, and for my readers...

To make these kinds of investments, you simply put yourself in position to get the largest possible gains, with the least amount of risk.

Also, keep in mind that although most of the investments I cover move very fast, I am not a trader. Rather, we find the best opportunities, then hang on until the trend has run its course, or something better comes along, for example...

• In the 1980s I bought and recommended European real estate, particularly Spain. Prices there have shot up more than 1,000% since that time, especially in popular spots such as Marbella.

Spain isn't the place to buy now, however—I've found a much better deal in the Americas, and I'm buying thousands of acres personally. I'll tell you all about this place when you take a trial subscription to my research service...

• In the 1980's I also recommended U.S. Treasury Bills when you could lock in yields of 13%. Almost no one else was paying attention—some folks are STILL collecting 13% a year. I think U.S. bonds are a disaster waiting to happen right now... but there are several other great bond opportunities if you know where to look. You'll learn all the details in the International Speculator.

• I recommended Hong Kong stocks that were yielding 15%, and returned 200% as a whole in just a few years. I recommended Hong Kong real estate in 1985 too, right before it took off—prices shot up more than 1,000% over the next decade.

• I recommended Spanish and Belgium stocks in '85—they skyrocketed more than 500% over the next few years.

In the 1990s I recommended more things most Americans had never considered:

• Mining companies, for example, which were off the radar screen for Americans back then, just as they are today. But readers who took my recommendations made a killing in companies such as Mt. Grant Mines (up 930%), Golden Star (up 442%), and Diamondfields (up an incredible 3,082%).

• In the early 1990s I also recommended U.S. defense stocks when they were yielding 12%... and before they became very popular. My readers had several opportunities to more than double their money.

• A little later I recommended gambling stocks, such as Starnet—I found it at $0.47 a share, and it quickly went to $13, a gain of 2,665%.

• At the end of the ‘90s, I said it was time to "back up the truck" on gold. It was $265 an ounce when I wrote—it's well over $500 today.

In recent years, my subscribers have continued to make a lot of money—simply by looking where most investors aren't:

• I recommended South African Real Estate in 2000—prices have climbed 300% since then, counting the currency gains.

I won't bore you with too many details, but have just a quick look at some of the returns we've had over the past three years alone:

· Paladin Resources: 1,506% gains over the past two years
· Almaden Minerals: 305% gains since 2004
· Virginia Gold Mines: 1,065% since Nov. 2004
· Altius Minerals: 739% over past four years
· Anatolia: 331% over past two years
· Cameco: 1000% since 1998
· Glamis: 681% since 2004
· Iamgold: 247% since 2004
· Lumina Copper: 171% since 2004
· Miranda Gold: 534% since Dec. 2003
· Royal Standard Minerals: 163% since July 2005
· Staccato Gold: 337% since 2005
· Sterling Resources: 900% since 2004
· Valkyries Petroleum: 522% since February 2005
· White Knight Resources: 151% since 2005
· Wolfden Resources: 487% since Feb. 2003

You'll notice that almost all of my recommendations over the past few years have been in commodities, oil, and energy companies. This is simply where the easiest money is right now.

If you are not investing in these sectors, I guarantee you are going to miss out on the market's biggest gains.

Does everything I recommend make money? Of course not. But because I look only for the really big gains, I guarantee your winners will more than make up for any investments that don't do as well as we expect.

In fact, there's another great speculation I want you to get in on as soon as you become a subscriber to the International Speculator...

How to own the "Best Business
in the World" for $5 a share

Have you ever thought about what kind of company would win the title of "world's best business"?

At the top of my list is any situation where you can simply collect "Royalty Payments," without the regular hassles of running a business.

"I Cut my mortgage in half... "

That's what one of my readers, Mark Bowers, from Chicago recently told me.

Here's what a few other readers have told us in recent weeks:

"Canceled the others... "

"I can honestly say that Casey Research is the best financial advice I have ever received. The information and knowledge I have gained is invaluable. I eagerly await each issue. I have cancelled most other newsletters as they pale into insignificance compared to yours. I could continue to praise your service, but it is sufficient to say that in my opinion, there is nothing better."

- Malcolm Maybury, Orlando, FL

"I owe much more... "

"I have been a subscriber to your publications for a number of years. I have 3 separate brokerage accts—my average gains are over 200%. I feel I owe Doug Casey much more than the subscription fees."

- Bud Standiford, Minneapolis, MN

"Retire any time I want... "
"I AM VERY PLEASED WITH THE ADVICE DOUG HAS GIVEN! I have followed Doug since 1981 and in 1999 I invested my pension based on Doug's advice. THANKS!!!! I have pulled out and spent my initial investment; the rest of "Doug's money" is compounding. Now I enjoy work because I can retire anytime I want!"
- Randy Chappell, Seattle, WA

Believe it or not, there are such "Royalty" opportunities out there, although few investors know about them.

Like a musician who gets a royalty every time his song is played... or an inventor who gets a royalty every time his invention is used... these businesses don't do any work, except to collect huge royalties, every single year.

Right now, for example, there's a new Denver-based company that trades on the U.S. stock market. What they do is scour the world for great royalty opportunities in the mining business. They buy these royalties (using other people's money) when prices are cheap. Then, they simply collect huge payments, sometimes for several decades.

This company just went public two years ago. Their first purchase was a roughly 3% royalty on a gigantic new mine in Canada, for which they paid more than $100 million.

Seems like a lot of money... I know... but look how it's paying off now...

In 2005 royalties from this project were practically nothing. But last year, royalties jumped to about $18 million. And in 2007, they could easily collect $35 million or more. These high payments should continue for more than a decade.

Keep in mind, all this company does is collect royalties. They don't explore anything... build anything... or operate anything. They don't have to worry about labor, expenses, repairs, regulations... nothing.

All they do is look for promising royalties... and buy them when they're cheap.

That's why the entire business has just 11 employees. It's a group of smart accountants, lawyers, engineers, geologists, and investment bankers, who have a combined 180 years of experience in the mining business.

Today, they own royalties on 60 gold, silver, copper, nickel, zinc, diamond, and coal projects, most of which are in North America.

And the royalty checks are now rolling in, big-time.

That's why they just started paying a dividend... and it's why you stand to make a fortune over the next few years if you become a shareholder.

How much can you make?

It's impossible to say for sure, of course, but a similar royalty company went up 200% during a recent 2-year span when its projects started taking off. Another royalty company recently paid investors 900% gains when its big royalties kicked in.

The point is, this is a safe way to make a fortune on the coming boom in mining and metals. Already, since the beginning of 2006, the share price is up 40%. Still, I bet not 1 in 1,000 investors knows about this investment right now. It should be very profitable for you for at least the next decade.

Full details on this company are included in my recent Research Report, called Huge Mining Royalties for the Next Decade and Beyond.

It's highly unlikely that any of your friends or neighbors know about this opportunity. And the only way you're going to hear about it is by reading my report.

This Research is yours free when you try a subscription to the International Speculator.

Will the International Speculator be right for you? Only you can decide. If you like the idea of taking a very small portion of your portfolio and investing in the most profitable investments in the world, I think you will benefit from my work.

Over the last few decades, I have helped literally tens of thousands of individual investors quit work, retire early, and pocket more money than they've ever earned from an ordinary job.

Here's what just a few of these folks have written to tell me in recent months:

"Easy to Win... "
When you know most of the answers it makes the game very easy to win. My best so far was a $7,830 investment that I sold for $129,553.07. What a way to go."
- Ray Smithers, Schaumburg, IL

"Only for the rich?... "
"It was a stroke of Faith that during an illness I came across your publication. I thought it was just for the rich. I was right. It turned an ordinary dependent divorced women into a financially independent woman. In 1998 I bought a few shares and more than triple my return. From then on I have followed your advice and bought International Uranium (up over 1,000%), Nevsun (up 136%), Paladin (up 178%), Banro (up 1,100%), and SurAmerica (up 3,420%). You have my gratitude."
- Lorna Canaris, Rochester, NY

"Mortgage now paid off... "
"I just cashed out with a 3,100% profit! My mortgage is now paid off... Thanks Doug!"
- Charles Lovett, Miami, FL

"Living on the proceeds... "
"I've had a great run with the International Speculator. It's far and away my favorite since subscribing in 2001. Unfortunately I had a health setback in 2001 so I'm basically living on the proceeds of your excellent picks until I can reenter the workforce."
- Dave Quincy, Concord, CA

How can you get started with "The Toronto Retirement Plan," and the other ideas I've mentioned in this letter?

Simply let me know you want to try a subscription to my monthly investment letter, International Speculator. When you take this risk-free trial, you will receive:

• Investment Report #1: "The Toronto Retirement Plan"-- How to Make Enough to Retire.

• Investment Report #2: The Secret Bull Market that Could Make You 1,500%

• Investment Report #3: Huge Mining Royalties for the Next Decade and Beyond

• The International Speculator—my monthly reports from all over the world, on the best low-risk speculations on the planet. In the coming weeks, for example, I'll be checking out two new emerging gold producers poised to take off as soon as they begin pouring gold. I also just returned from Egypt, Argentina, and New Zealand, where I've found some great opportunities you can take advantage of without ever leaving home. You'll receive your copy of my monthly report on the first business day of every month, first by e-mail, then by first-class regular mail soon after.

• Weekly website updates on what I'm investigating, and what's going on with our current recommendations. You'll also have subscribers-only access to my last 5 years worth of reports.

How much does it cost to receive one year of my research, including everything I mentioned above?

I charge as much as $4,500 per year for my work, which I believe is an absolute steal. For about the price of a vacation, you can profit from my investment reports for an entire year. You can start with a tiny amount of money and pocket a small fortune in the year to come.

And right now, you can take a trial subscription to my research for significantly less than $4,500. Before I give you the full details, let me tell you about one more thing I'd like to send you:

The Secret 20% Dividend

Throughout my career, I've been amazed at how much easier it is to make money once you know the secrets of the wealthy, and how they got that way.
For example, during my travels to some of the world's great financial centers, such as London, Zurich, and Hong Kong, I learned one of the great secrets of the rich, which can help you put more money in your pocket, immediately.

I call it "The Secret 20% Dividend," because it's a simple and straightforward technique that allows you to collect dividends of around 20% on certain kinds of stocks—even if these stocks don't normally pay a dividend.

Wealthy investors and bankers have used this secret for years. So have I. Now you can too.

What's amazing is that not 1 in 1,000 Americans knows this secret. Yet you can begin using it literally tomorrow if you know how.

I explain everything you need to know in my recent research report called: The Secret 20% Dividend.

Again, you'll get a copy of this report free when you try a subscription to the International Speculator.

Also, as I mentioned, you have the opportunity to save significantly on my more expensive rates. Sign up for a trial subscription today, and you can receive one year of International Speculator for just $199—that includes everything mentioned in this invitation.

There's a lot of easy money waiting to be made in the world right now. I hope you'll join me in collecting your share.

To get started, simply click here, which will take you to our secure order form:

Doug Casey

P.S. I believe your best shot at getting rich in the next few years is to take advantage of my recommendations in the Toronto Retirement Fund. But I know that actions speak louder than words, so I encourage you to sign up for a trial subscription, and take the next 30 days to review everything I've mentioned in this letter. I want you to be happy with my work, and if you're not, you shouldn't have to pay for it. Just let me know and you'll receive a full refund. No problems. No hassles.

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