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It's now or never, because tomorrow is too late.Views: 596
Jun 11, 2005 1:54 amIt's now or never, because tomorrow is too late.#


What is life without that feeling of growth, without the rush you get when you overcome a barrier, a challenge or meet a goal? Or it could be that you are without the feeling of satisfaction and fulfilment you get, when you know you've done something REALLY worthwhile.

Everyone has got 24 hrs in a day; no one can get a single second more than you. Every morning your pocket is magically filled with 24hrs of time. You can compare time with a plain bar of iron, which is worth Rs.100/-. Now you can convert this iron bar into nails that may fetch Rs.1000/- and the same identical bar of iron can be converted into balance spring for watches, which is worth Rs.1000000/-. The same is true with time.

Our trouble is not ignorance, but inaction. 

So let's cut to the point  

If you know, deep down inside that you need to make a major change in your life right now! Then now is the time to act.

If you feel, that you are so much capable and resourceful than you've been letting on, then now is the time to act.

It's time to cut excuses, step up and take responsibility for yourself and your life

It's now or never, because tomorrow is too late. 


Private Reply to Dipankar

Jun 11, 2005 2:53 amre: It's now or never, because tomorrow is too late.#

Deepak Shenoy
Huh? Could you let us know what this post is about? I read this over and over again, and I don't see any action points...what's the story?

(For the record:
1) Deep down inside, I do *not* want a major change in my life. I have enough of them going on at the moment.
2) Tomorrow is never too late.


- Deepak

Private Reply to Deepak Shenoy

Jun 11, 2005 4:50 amre: re: It's now or never, because tomorrow is too late.#

IT IS NOW OR NEVER, that such posts, should be ignored. Totally defocused and unwarranted post, in my opinion. Does not convey anything to anybody!


Private Reply to Ramji

Jun 11, 2005 7:30 amre: re: re: It's now or never, because tomorrow is too late.#

Dipankar, Three suggestions.

1.Reduce the font size to Arial 10.
2.Do not the colour the message.
3.Make the story little shorter.

Private Reply to A T M

Jun 11, 2005 7:40 amre: re: re: re: It's now or never, because tomorrow is too late.#

Hi Dipankar

it looks like the post from a company professional who is in to personal development or MLM...r u one among those ?


Private Reply to DEVANG DESAI

Jun 11, 2005 7:56 amre: re: re: re: re: It's now or never, because tomorrow is too late.#

Gagan Seth

Tommorow never comes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So live life king size.....TODAY TILL THE END.



Private Reply to Gagan Seth

Jun 11, 2005 9:03 amre: re: re: re: re: re: It's now or never, because tomorrow is too late.#

Mahesh Deshmukh

Sharing my impression of the postings which do not have any action point.
The author lacks communication skills OR
Has some thing to hide/some ugly side to the business one is trying to promote.

In either case better to stay away from such businesses.

Sad to say your above posting falls in this category in my view.


Private Reply to Mahesh Deshmukh

Jun 11, 2005 11:16 amre: re: re: re: re: re: re: It's now or never, because tomorrow is too late.#

Hello Deepak,
Thank you for your query, feedback and initiative. What I found most of the people will give a big lecture I want to this, I want to be that or this should be done, that should be done. But when comes to taking action about themselves, they will keep on wondering or giving all the excuses why they could not do that.
What I found most of us blame others for our failure, rather than taking responsibility and initiative to do some thing about that. You will find most of our children will blame the parents or education institutions if they can’t get a good job that their parents have not send him to a good English Medium Public School or there are nor enough jobs in the market. When we blame others we victimise ourselves. Instead if we take responsibility then we can create our own world. We can change our destination.

Private Reply to Dipankar

Jun 11, 2005 4:08 pmre: It's now or never, because tomorrow is too late.#

Deepak Shenoy
Hey Dipankar,

Thanks for the clarification. So what you're saying is "You are responsible for your own future". And past. Hokay - that works for me.

As for the "Don't blame others." thing - what you are doing is blaming everyone for doing that, aren't you? :)

I kinda mistook this for an ad for some educational/motivational program. Or an MLM program. Given all the fonts and colors, it's easy to classify it that way. As someone said, keep the story short. More people listen.


Private Reply to Deepak Shenoy

Jun 11, 2005 4:38 pmre: re: It's now or never, because tomorrow is too late.#

Hi Deepak,
Thank you for understanding me. I took everything in a positive way. I learn through my mistakes. I can see you are doing very well in life. Congratulation and keep it up.

Private Reply to Dipankar

Jun 12, 2005 7:16 amre: re: re: It's now or never, because tomorrow is too late.#

Nice posting. Inspirational and motivational.

Private Reply to vspan

Jun 12, 2005 1:41 pmkeeping it short...#

Soumen Saha
Guess we can summarize the post in a single line

"Don't keep on complaining about darkness,
Light a candle...now !!"


Private Reply to Soumen Saha

Jun 12, 2005 3:36 pmre: It's now or never, because tomorrow is too late.#

I don't see how any messages from this Ryze member fit this message board. Not being negative here, just logical.

This message board has the word "business" in it, so even if many of us are occasionally irked by excessive postings of real estate / cell phones, we go along coz that IS business. Someone has something to sell, wants to buy, or needs advise on a business matter, or wants to start a discussion on matters that effect our ability to do business.

I don't see how this fits in here. Heck, I can't even classify this as intercultural business etiquette. I am sure there are message boards related to religion, being born again, inspirations, devine interventions, deux ex machina, personality development etc etc.

Dipankar, nothing against you. I am sure you will post a polite reply that will make me feel guilty for this unwarranted outburst (may be I am PMSing, but then how can I? I am a guy...).


Private Reply to X Y

Jun 12, 2005 6:29 pmre: It's now or never, because tomorrow is too late.#

Ram Krishnan
I really like the song by the same name as the title of your post. But I had no clue what you were talking about. Dipankar, why not get into your Blue Suede Shoes and be a Hound Dog for once? :)

Relax dude, you're taking life too seriously! Chill out!

Private Reply to Ram Krishnan

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