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2months old Puppy looking for a homeViews: 494
Jun 13, 2005 6:42 am2months old Puppy looking for a home#

N Shilpi
Available for sale a female Golden Retriever Puppy - 2months old. Looking for a good loving home. Please contact- Mrs Parveen Jassawala - 080-51152827 / 51152826/9880034274

Private Reply to N Shilpi

Jun 13, 2005 7:08 amre: 2months old Puppy looking for a home#

Subir Dhar

I sincerely hope that you will find a good home for the Golden Retreiver pup.

You may also leave a message with Dr.Yathiraj's Clinic near Yediyur Lake - he has a good clientele, who are genuine dog lovers. Dr. Yathiraj is our vet, and to me he is a great doc.

You may also speak to Ms. Geetanjali of ITNatureClub (+91 98453 83882). She breeds Golden Retreivers and Labradors, and will be able to give you right inputs, as well as the info on Dr. Yathiraj's clinic.

Wish you all the best.



Private Reply to Subir Dhar

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