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re: re: I think my dog has arthritisViews: 222
Feb 13, 2004 7:45 pmre: re: I think my dog has arthritis#

Lynn Wilson
Hi Christopher,

Thank you for your reply. One of the points that I forgot to mention was that once Max gets up and going he does not favour the leg at all. He runs like the wind racing with the Golden Retriever next door and doesn't seem to have slowed down any.

That is kind of why I was thinking arthritis since it is only when he first gets up from laying down.


> Christopher Aust wrote: > Hi Lynn,

>If he went from playful one day to limping the next, you may be looking more at an injury than arthritis. Check the joints of the leg for signs of swelling. If he sensitive to the the touch, again, this would signify more of an injury than the onset of arthritis.

>Has he ever had an injury to this leg before or has been an active jumper through out his life?

>Either way, I would recommend calling on the vet. Injuries to the joints of older dogs can turn into a real mess if not addressed early. In the interum, I would give the dog two 80 mg buffered asprin to help with pain. A heating pad in his bed, or just held on the affected area wouldn't hurt either. Not sure on the glucosamine but I am sure someone here will.

>Good Luck>

> > >> Lynn Wilson wrote: >> Hi Dog Lovers, >> >>I joined this network because first I love dogs and secondly I'm concerned about my dog Max. He is a Bijon/Sheltie cross and of course the cutest dog ever :-} He is 8 years old and normally very lively. However in the last couple of weeks I notice that he is limping and favouring his front leg when he gets up from laying down. >> >>How do I know if it is arthritis or whether he has just hurt it? >> >>Also can you give ordinary glucosamine to a dog or does it have to be specially formulated? >> >>Thank you >>Lynn

Private Reply to Lynn Wilson

Feb 13, 2004 9:41 pmre: re: re: I think my dog has arthritis#

Wicked Witch of the West
Hey Lynn - I know there have been some posts on here before about arthritis, so you might want to search the achives and see what you find. I agree with Chris, make sure it is not some other type of injury. If they try to give you Rimadyl, if it is arthritis, then question about natural remedies. I think you will find some on here as well. There are several Noni experst around here and I know it is supposed to work wonders in this area. > Lynn Wilson wrote: > Hi Christopher,

> >Thank you for your reply. One of the points that I forgot to mention was that once Max gets up and going he does not favour the leg at all. He runs like the wind racing with the Golden Retriever next door and doesn't seem to have slowed down any.

> >That is kind of why I was thinking arthritis since it is only when he first gets up from laying down.

> >Lynn

> >> Christopher Aust wrote: >> Hi Lynn,

>>If he went from playful one day to limping the next, you may be looking more at an injury than arthritis. Check the joints of the leg for signs of swelling. If he sensitive to the the touch, again, this would signify more of an injury than the onset of arthritis.

>>Has he ever had an injury to this leg before or has been an active jumper through out his life?

>>Either way, I would recommend calling on the vet. Injuries to the joints of older dogs can turn into a real mess if not addressed early. In the interum, I would give the dog two 80 mg buffered asprin to help with pain. A heating pad in his bed, or just held on the affected area wouldn't hurt either. Not sure on the glucosamine but I am sure someone here will.

>>Good Luck>

>> >> >>> Lynn Wilson wrote: >>> Hi Dog Lovers, >>> >>>I joined this network because first I love dogs and secondly I'm concerned about my dog Max. He is a Bijon/Sheltie cross and of course the cutest dog ever :-} He is 8 years old and normally very lively. However in the last couple of weeks I notice that he is limping and favouring his front leg when he gets up from laying down. >>> >>>How do I know if it is arthritis or whether he has just hurt it? >>> >>>Also can you give ordinary glucosamine to a dog or does it have to be specially formulated? >>> >>>Thank you >>>Lynn

Private Reply to Wicked Witch of the West

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