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*It's a Dog's Life*
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re: re: re: re: I think my dog has arthritisViews: 242
Feb 14, 2004 12:19 amre: re: re: re: I think my dog has arthritis#

Julie Newell
Yes Lynn, Tahitian Noni Juice is very effective for arthritis. Actually, I have a personal testimonial, it
has changed my life.

If you would like more information, please let me know and if you decide to try it, you can have it at distributor cost.


> Marla Harris wrote:
> Hey Lynn - I know there have been some posts on here before about arthritis, so you might want to search the achives and see what you find.
>I agree with Chris, make sure it is not some other type of injury. If they try to give you Rimadyl, if it is arthritis, then question about natural remedies. I think you will find some on here as well. There are several Noni experst around here and I know it is supposed to work wonders in this area.

Private Reply to Julie Newell

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