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Good things happening!Views: 798
Mar 29, 2007 8:14 pmGood things happening!#

Christine Rice
I began the program a few weeks ago. I've had little things happen here and there which I attribute to my new outlook on prosperity. But, this past week I've noticed much more activity in my gifts from the universe.

Last week, the sump pump in our basement quit working. My husband was very upset, because our finished basement was under about an inch of water. After my initial reaction (honestly about a minute or two of feeling down-trodden) I had this overwhelming feeling that everything would be alright. I was calm, not stressed about the situation, and just kept counting my blessings. All while clearing out furniture, I kept thinking...I'm so thankful I was able to begin to pay down our charge card so we could get the things we needed to begin clean up, not to mention buying a new pump. I remembered how my daughter had done some tidying up in our craft room the week before and had carefully placed a box of photos on the table...one that had been sitting on the floor just days before. What a disappointment that would have been.

Mostly I just remember the overwhelming feeling that everything would work out. I kept telling my husband this over and over. I honestly think he began to get frustrated with my "too positive" outlook. After he returned home with the new pump, he crawled under the house for a better look. He moved the plastic in the crawlspace and the pump began working! The float must have been stuck! True, the damage was done, but now we could get a refund on the pump and begin clean up.

The important thing from this for me was that I still could look at the positive, and I was even finding myself grateful in spite of the setback.

We had to rent equipment to dry out our carpet and such. When I returned the rentals this week, the bill was much lower than I had figured. I pointed it out to the sales person. He said, yes he didn't charge me for one of the items becaue he thought I could use a break after the mess we'd been through!

Then, other things just kept coming;
~ a new idea for a whole new direction for my business that will allow me to generate residual income, and the ideas keep flowing
~ a late birthday present from a friend; which was a gift card I would later find out was double what I would have guessed
~ a new client
~ an unexpected call from an organization that wanted to purchase a gift certificate from my organizing business to auction off (I'm usually asked to donate instead!)

I can't wait to see what happens the rest of the week! I'm so grateful I've been able to begin to make that "shift" in my prosperity thinking! I'm getting there! Thanks, Marilyn!

Christine Rice
Organize It Today

Private Reply to Christine Rice

Mar 29, 2007 9:50 pmre: Good things happening!#

Angel Brown
What inspiring news, Christine! Thanks so much for sharing. I can totally relate to that whole experience of feeling grateful when things go wrong--there's always a positive side to things, if you just learn to look for it (a shift in your mindset, as it were). Keep us posted on all the great things you're manifesting now--it's wonderful to be reminded of the power we all have when we apply the Universal Laws to our lives. And I'm grateful for all of you here on the FFTP network for sharing your experiences, too. Very empowering!
Angel Brown

Private Reply to Angel Brown

Mar 30, 2007 7:51 pmre: Good things happening!#

Linda J. Alexander http://www.lindajalexander.net

It's all in the attitude, isn't it? Love the way you've handled issues that have recently been in your life. I think you're moving yourself in a positive direction . . . only good things coming your way!

Blessings -- Linda

www.lindajalexander.net ** www.authorsden.com/lindajalexander
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Private Reply to Linda J. Alexander http://www.lindajalexander.net

Mar 30, 2007 9:02 pmre: Good things happening!#

Marilyn Jenett


That's amazing how you kept your cool when appearances seemed to be something else. That's a great sign that you are becoming connected to your Source which always has the answer. When you "feel" those answers even though you're not consciously aware of what's happening, you are experiencing Universal guidance.

And you're right. This is just the beginning. I can't wait to see what happens for you next either. :-)

All of this was great, but I especially like the part about the photos being "divinely" protected.

Keep up that homework. :-)

~ Marilyn

Private Reply to Marilyn Jenett

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