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Ryze Washington D.C
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The Ryze Washington D.C Network is not currently active and cannot accept new posts
Launch of Networkersville DC. Looking for Ambassadors & professional networkers alike.Views: 6172
Mar 24, 2006 6:17 amLaunch of Networkersville DC. Looking for Ambassadors & professional networkers alike.#

Dean H.
Hello fellow Washingtonians,

For those of you who don't know me, I'm H. Dean Hua. I'm the guy who has moderated this forum for the past 2 years and once ran the Ryze Wash. DC Regional Business Mixers for a solid year before retiring late in the fall of 2005. Now that I've gotten the formalities away, I'd like to introduce many of the local area business professionals to a new networking group that is about to be launched soon by yours truly.

The purpose of this post is twofold

1-- I am looking to bring in a few more Networking Ambassadors for Networkersville.

2-- I am looking to give everyone a heads up of who and what Networkersville is.

At this url; http://www.networkersville.com/files/Synopsis.pdf

You will find a 4 page synopsis of who and what Networkersville is. You will find what I am looking for in my ambassadors and how Networkersville will be different from the many other local area networking groups and chamber of commerces that exist in the greater Washington DC area.

I basically have the core group and structure and place but we still need a few more ambassadors to come in and help out with our events and engage in basic word of mouth promotion of our events. In the pdf is listed the benefits to you as well.

If there are any questions, please don't hesitate to ask here as I'm sure others may have similar questions. I believe you will find the 4 page synopsis to be comprehensive in scope and detail.

This is an exciting opportunity for those looking to expand their business network and fun as well.

Thanks for your time and I hope to hear from you guys.

If anything, even though the Ryze Washington DC Business Mixers no longer exist, this is sort of a reincarnation of that but much better. So in some respects, I feel that those of us who haven't seen each other in ages will be able to re-connect again!

H. Dean Hua
Founder of Networkersville | Networking starts here.

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