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Is Poverty artificially created?Views: 610
Mar 18, 2009 2:38 amIs Poverty artificially created?#

Kanchana Ravichandran
This has been haunting me for quite some time. Now it is out in the open! Your thoughts on this will be enriching.

Private Reply to Kanchana Ravichandran

Mar 18, 2009 2:47 amre: Is Poverty artificially created?#

Senthil Nathan
Yes at some places...

No at most of the places...

Private Reply to Senthil Nathan

Mar 18, 2009 2:54 amre: Is Poverty artificially created?#

Ram Raya
Its a Good Amen that persons start feeling haunted with this kind of questions. Poverty is basically a state of mind. There has been, in the last 175 years or so, a conscious effort- in my opinion - to let the people suffer from that state of mind. What is that state of mind: The state of mind that keeps people subdued with the belief that they are poor.

Poverty, in general, and in India, in particular, is the result of no-leadership mettle. A leader needs to envision that "you can" rather than harping on "they are responsible for your poverty" orientation.

What needs to be done? 1. Ensure education to all in good schools [I mean hiegenic environ], transport facilities [young kids should not go in cramped, crowded, de-meaning manner; they need to travel with dignity, fellowship and reasonable comfort expected of a kid going to a learning place] and catering to their aspirations. The kids needs to internalise that their prosperity is, in essence, their making. Not others' charity.

Are we ready for that? One thing is certain: we are sure to move to that...today, tommorrow,....is only the question...

Good Initiative, Kanchana..

Private Reply to Ram Raya

Mar 18, 2009 3:08 amre: re: Is Poverty artificially created?#

Kanchana Ravichandran
Thanks Dr
This thread was inpired by the title of an article in The Hindu. Posted this thread and went back to read the article. Your suggestions are good - but what is the stratergy for the adults (more like immediate measures)for the present first and then the future?

Am pasting the article which appeared in today's edition below:

New anti-poverty strategies
For decades, policy makers in governments and multilateral institutions have been attempting to find a workable model that would end poverty. The World Bank’s latest study, Moving out of Poverty: Success from the Bottom Up, offers a change in approach, as it analyses the issue from a perspective closer to the ground. Its major finding, that individual initiatives substantially helped people in pulling themselves out of poverty, should serve as a po inter to policy makers. Of great significance from the standpoint of reshaping poverty eradication strategies is that, of the reasons cited by respondents who have moved out of poverty, the top three were: non-agricultural individual initiatives such as finding a job, investing in business, and migration (60.1 per cent), individual initiative in agriculture (17.4 per cent), and asset accumulation (4.7 per cent). No less noteworthy are the three figuring at the bottom: assistance from non-government organisations (0.3 per cent); illegal activities (0.1 per cent); and lottery/luck (0.0 per cent). As the study rightly observes, “charity-oriented and other paternalistic programmes may ease the pain for a few in the short run, but they are totally inadequate to lift entire nations or communities out of poverty.” What emerges from all this is that the outcomes of poverty eradication programmes could be transient, if they are not supplemented by other state-led support structures, particularly access to healthcare and education.

In the late 1970s, when poverty eradication became a global priority, about 40 per cent of the developing world lived in absolute poverty (World Development Report 1978). According to the World Bank figures (2008), more than one-fourth of the developing world’s population is living below the poverty line now. The world’s battles against poverty, evidently, are not being won convincingly. Given the magnitude of the crisis, top-down policies tend to spread the benefits thin, resulting in vulnerability and relapse. Since a sharp decline in the level of national/local prosperity is a major cause for individuals slipping into poverty — a proposition endorsed by the latest study — any anti-poverty strategy, to be effective and meaningful, should seek to create a system that improves local economies. There are successful examples, from India and abroad, of initiatives that tapped into the resources of the millions at the bottom of the economic pyramid. The building blocks required for ending poverty are huge social sector investments and economic avenues for the poor to channel their productive capabilities.

Private Reply to Kanchana Ravichandran

Mar 18, 2009 3:25 amre: re: re: Is Poverty artificially created?#

Sekar Narasimhamurthy

But our rulers and would be rulers are thinking in a different way.

Instead of some concrete measures to address the root cause of poverty like: Illiteracy, Non Availability of Finance to do small businesses, unemployment etc., our rulers are thinking in only populist measures and shortcuts which will further worsen the matters.

Look at what politicians are saying in their manifestos:

Money transfer every month directly to the bank accounts:

Distribution of Colour TVS and Laptops etc.,

The voters should find ways and influence these politicians to include things like: Self Employment Methods, Macro FInancing, Skill Oriented Education compulsorily etc.,

Let us wait for the views of other CNK Members

Private Reply to Sekar Narasimhamurthy

Mar 18, 2009 3:36 amre: re: Is Poverty artificially created?#

Nagarajan Vadivel
Poverty is an invention made to maintain the existing social order where a section of people must be retained as poor. The poor are dogmatically prepared to believe that remaining poor is inevitable. The societal mechanism keeps the vulnerable to remain as vulnerable. Who are the constuctors of rich man's house? Only the poor. why can't he uses his skill to build a house of his own? The answer is simple. He can only server the rich. He cannot have wealth because of the fact that he will use the wealth for liquor and gambling. If the poor can mange wealth and become wealthy who will do the menial service to the rich?

Private Reply to Nagarajan Vadivel

Mar 18, 2009 3:56 amre: re: re: Is Poverty artificially created?#


poverty can be completely eradicated; only when we start looking at economy based on "abundance & distribution" rather than "scarcity & demand"; There is lot of abundant resources on earth, however it is not really getting distributed across.

Poverty is created by human beings. it is not created by nature. so, it is not natural. if human beings have created it, they can dissolve it too.

selfishness and greed from a part of world citizens create this status. to eradicate poverty completely, we need a great visionary and a gutsy leader.

Private Reply to Bratzy

Mar 18, 2009 4:08 amre: re: re: re: Is Poverty artificially created?#

Senthil Nathan

//abundance & distribution

I love this. Just imagining Bratzy taking the look of a Cowboy to do the "irukkavan kitta irunthu pudingi illathavanukku kudukkarathu" "Take forcibily from the person who has in abudance and giveit to the person who dont have it"

Oh no. Is it not the policy of the naxals. Does it exist among them stilll....

Private Reply to Senthil Nathan

Mar 18, 2009 4:10 amre: re: re: re: Is Poverty artificially created?#

abundance retards growth . . . .

Private Reply to SOEB FATEHI

Mar 18, 2009 4:13 amre: re: re: re: re: Is Poverty artificially created?#

Ravi Padmanabhan (padmania@gmail.com)

If you take all the wealth in the world and then share it equally among all the people and provide them equal wealth,after 5 years they will return to their current state of inequality.

The HABITS of each one dealing with money plays a huge role.

Wealth Coach

Private Reply to Ravi Padmanabhan (padmania@gmail.com)

Mar 18, 2009 4:25 amre: re: re: re: re: re: Is Poverty artificially created?#

Lavanya Karalkar
Too serious for the poorest platformwasi to debate, I suppose.

Private Reply to Lavanya Karalkar

Mar 18, 2009 4:39 amre: re: re: re: re: re: re: Is Poverty artificially created?#

Kanchana Ravichandran
But isn't it unfair to grab from the rich and give it equally to the poor. When the rich have toiled and earned it through their sweat - then how can that be justified! Again this is highly debatable - again taking the title of another article in The Hindu : ' The day oil was discovered in Nigeria' - which talks of the exploitation of the foreigners who took all the wealth through oil and gave nothing back to the natives. Familiar story eh...

There are stories of the poor becoming super rich and successful through their hard work and dedication. One such success story is our Dr. Kalam. So what is it that helped him rise above the poverty to be what he is now.

So isn't it a matter of each individual to change his destiny or should we just continue to blame it on Fate or the Politicans and continue consuming liqor, beat up our wives and send our children not to school but to work while we gamble and drink and make merry!!!

Private Reply to Kanchana Ravichandran

Mar 18, 2009 4:49 amre: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Is Poverty artificially created?#

Nagarajan Vadivel
It is circulated among Ethopians the wise word of the locals in the following words:
" When the priests from Rome came to our land, they had the koly book in their hands and the land was in our hands. After some time we had the Holy book in our hands and land was in their hands"
Not only rich exploit but also the religion.

Private Reply to Nagarajan Vadivel

Mar 18, 2009 5:05 amre: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Is Poverty artificially created?#

Kanchana Ravichandran
That is indeed a true statement. A real pity which happened in most of the developing counttries. In the garb of education and religion and civilisation what atrocities were done, still being done and will be done also.

Private Reply to Kanchana Ravichandran

Mar 18, 2009 5:25 amIs Poverty artificially created?#

Basab Ghosh
Is wealth for one created by exploiting another? If the global money supply is a constant, then following the laws of entropy, that seems to be the case. For one to get rich, another must become poor.

Poverty then, is man-made and man, both the poor and the rich is responsible for his own status. I agree with Paddy when he says artificial means of equalising the individual share of money serves no purpose, people will return to their own state within a short span of time.

The need then, is to raise the general level of prosperity by creating opportunities in remote areas for the inhabitants to raise the minimum standards of living, by limiting the opportunities for exploitation by making information on the level of exploitation available to the exploited and by providing alternative avenues for them to prosper. Beyond that, it is the individual capability that will decide whether one will ride a BMW or a bullock cart.

Private Reply to Basab Ghosh

Mar 18, 2009 5:52 amre: Is Poverty artificially created?#

Muralidharan Bashyam
Yes indeed

In countries like India poverty is created, thats why the wealthier class survives. India is still a developing country. These selfish politicians and greedy business people always consider the people as just matter. We support or we applaud a politicians and big businessmen instead they exploit our poverty and still we are poor.

In developed countries like US there is no poverty. But few live their life within car. Infact they are poor. Atleast they have car to live. Indian poorest or poors dont have proper shelter.

As Prof. Nagarajan mentioned now the religious men exploit the poverty of people and convert them just to meet their target. Ultimately the poor dont see a change except their own names changed.

I heard recently from a business friend that many people in orrissa are having food only once in a day. Of course they are hard-working people. These religious philsophers easily meet their target by attempting to convert them.

Private Reply to Muralidharan Bashyam

Mar 19, 2009 2:40 amre: re: re: re: re: Is Poverty artificially created?#

SF seniorG!

abundance doesnt retard growth. abundance will turn the focus from growing in terms of wealth to other serious aspects of life! abundance can create moral disorders as it created in western societies. abundance can create more focus on inner spiritual strengths as it happened in India in earlier eras.

so far we have measured growth only in terms of 'wealth creation' ; which is not wrong. but only that cannot be a correct measure of growth.

a community / society can grow in terms of other aspects too.

i consider growth is a real growth only if a community can eradicate poverty completely. till then we as a community/society are undergrown/UNDERNOURISHED however RICH we are!

Private Reply to Bratzy

Mar 19, 2009 2:48 amre: re: re: re: re: re: Is Poverty artificially created?#

"The HABITS of each one dealing with money plays a huge role. "

PadG, I agree. so the issue is not in inequality in the distribution of wealth among the people. it is the behavioral patterns of individuals.

means, we must come up with a strategy to address the individuals habits and pattern of behavior and not simply giving away the wealth to those lazy bums who would suck the wealth created by more deserving community.

means.. changing the mindsets of people towards growing the societies of the planet as a whole and not simply distributing wealth.

distribution of wealth is more effective if the people who benefit from it become more deserving. means distribution of wealth start from change management at 2 ends.

1. at the mind set of people who hold wealth - they must start thinking about distributing it to deserving societies.

2. a change of mindset about those who are at the recieving end that they must earn it.

there is a concept called 'critical mass' in science. any transformation / change / revolution in the society takes place when the attitudinal change takes place amongst the 4%. once the 4% is crossed, the change then becomes complete!

changing society is not difficult. if we are ready to change for better, others change immediately!

Private Reply to Bratzy

Mar 19, 2009 4:31 am Is Poverty artificially created?#

"DESERVE" . . . "EARN"

" 1. at the mind set of people who hold wealth - they must start thinking about distributing it to deserving societies.

2. a change of mindset about those who are at the recieving end that they must earn it. "

what means - deserve? earn?

Private Reply to SOEB FATEHI

Mar 19, 2009 5:44 amre: Is Poverty artificially created?#


de⋅serve   /dɪˈzɜrv/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [di-zurv] Show IPA verb, -served, -serv⋅ing.
–verb (used with object) 1. to merit, be qualified for, or have a claim to (reward, assistance, punishment, etc.) because of actions, qualities, or situation: to deserve exile; to deserve charity; a theory that deserves consideration.

–verb (used without object) 2. to be worthy of, qualified for, or have a claim to reward, punishment, recompense, etc.: to reward him as he deserves; an idea deserving of study.


1250–1300; ME deserven < AF, OF deservir, L dēservīre to devote oneself to the service of, equiv. to dē- de- + servīre to serve

Related forms:

deâ‹…servâ‹…er, noun

1. rate, warrant, justify.



earn1   /ɜrn/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [urn] Show IPA
–verb (used with object) 1. to gain or get in return for one's labor or service: to earn one's living.
2. to merit as compensation, as for service; deserve: to receive more than one has earned.
3. to acquire through merit: to earn a reputation for honesty.
4. to gain as due return or profit: Savings accounts earn interest.
5. to bring about or cause deservedly: His fair dealing earned our confidence.

–verb (used without object) 6. to gain income: securities that earn on a quarterly basis.


bef. 900; ME ern(i)en, OE earnian; akin to OHG arnēn to earn, harvest

Related forms:

earner, noun

1. procure, make, receive, obtain.

Private Reply to Bratzy

Mar 19, 2009 5:45 amre: Is Poverty artificially created?#

Senthil Nathan
//There are stories of the poor becoming super rich and successful through their hard work and dedication. One such success story is our Dr. Kalam. So what is it that helped him rise above the poverty to be what he is now.

Wrong indication KR. Dr. Kalam has not become rich unlike our beloved Dr.MK.

Mention exceptions to motivate but not when talking issues like poverty. Just one success cant eradicate poverty.

You can mention Dr.MK as an example to raise from dust to richest if you can justify his means.

Whatever given or hard earned by anyone is to be given away to others who cant do it or not having it. So if you are not giving it by yourself by way of charity then it will be taken and given away. Its nature.

Private Reply to Senthil Nathan

Mar 19, 2009 6:01 amre: re: Is Poverty artificially created?#

refer -

synonym for "deserve" = rate
- - - who rates? who has a right to rate?

embedded in meaning for "earn"
"deserve: to receive more than one has earned"
- - - too many questions to list here!

embedded in meaning for "earn"
"Savings accounts earn interest"
- - - accumulate and accrue - YES
- - - EARN - ????

"flawed definitions by flawed logic - curse on language and bane of humanity!" - Little Green Book of Random Thoughts of Soeb Fatehi

Private Reply to SOEB FATEHI

Mar 19, 2009 6:01 amre: re: Is Poverty artificially created?#

i agree SF Jr.

is richness the only measure of growth? is the question i get on reading your view on Dr. Kalam. We must look at his growth from the view of intellectual fitness, contribution to society and humanity.

the moment reach people realise, being rich is not the only measure of growth, they will open up to share, to really grow better.

sharing is the way by which rich people can really grow. sharing is one of the ways by which povery can be eliminated.

All rich people have realised 'Giving and sharing' are where the real growth is! i am not talking of those who are petty and silly who just fatten up bank accounts and property papers. that is not true richness.

Private Reply to Bratzy

Mar 19, 2009 6:06 amre: re: re: Is Poverty artificially created?#


I hereby confer the Title "The Great English Teacher of CNK " to you.


Private Reply to Bratzy

Mar 19, 2009 6:59 amre: re: re: re: Is Poverty artificially created?#

Senthil Nathan
//is richness the only measure of growth? is the question i get on reading your view on Dr. Kalam. We must look at his growth from the view of intellectual fitness, contribution to society and humanity.


But here we are taking about poverty and not about growth. Poverty means more about money.

Private Reply to Senthil Nathan

Mar 19, 2009 7:15 amre: re: re: re: re: Is Poverty artificially created?#


"But here we are taking about poverty and not about growth. Poverty means more about money."

exactly! then why did you take the example of Dr. Kalam? his life story / analogy is about wholesome growth inspite of being poor in earlier days.

i never thought, he worked towards eliminating his poverty, but worked towards holistic growth as a person and a more sensible living. isn't it?

Private Reply to Bratzy

Mar 19, 2009 7:17 amre: re: re: Is Poverty artificially created?#


"the moment RICH people realise, being rich is not the only measure of growth, they will open up to share, to really grow better. "

Private Reply to Bratzy

Mar 19, 2009 10:37 amre: re: re: re: Is Poverty artificially created?#

Ravi Padmanabhan (padmania@gmail.com)
Many people face problems

Money will not solve any of your problems.

90% of the problems are Because of Money.


Private Reply to Ravi Padmanabhan (padmania@gmail.com)

Mar 19, 2009 10:44 amre: re: re: re: re: Is Poverty artificially created?#

Senthil Nathan
//xactly! then why did you take the example of Dr. Kalam? his life story / analogy is about wholesome growth inspite of being poor in earlier days.

Bratzy when I have something with // notion it means it is said by someone else and Iam replying to it.

KR referred about Kalam being successful and so I referred it..........

Private Reply to Senthil Nathan

Mar 19, 2009 10:53 amre: re: re: re: re: re: Is Poverty artificially created?#

okies! no issues.

Private Reply to Bratzy

Mar 19, 2009 12:48 pm re: Is Poverty artificially created?#

J.a.m.e.s I.s.a.c
Sharing of wealth - r v talking abt COMMUNISM

I agree with BG "raise the general level of prosperity by creating opportunities"

Private Reply to J.a.m.e.s I.s.a.c

Mar 19, 2009 1:15 pmre: re: Is Poverty artificially created?#

Kanchana Ravichandran
Senthil - by rich I meant not jus money - Dr. kalam because he was successful and "rich" with all the experience was able to see more wholistically and suggested ways and means to remove poverty. He is constantly motivating the youth - isn't this more than all the money one can give to remove poverty.
I don't believe in giving money to the poor - just like teaching a man to fish and not jus give him the fish concept!
Even now am justified in quoting Dr. Kalam as an example of rising up from poverty to become rich and successful. Hope u have understood my meaning now!
There are no exceptions - anyone can do it. Its their belief that they can which will drive them to reach what they set out to. That is what differentiates these successful people from the rest!

Private Reply to Kanchana Ravichandran

Mar 19, 2009 2:44 pmre: re: re: Is Poverty artificially created?#

Charles Pradeep
KR (ji) -

Thanks for brining up a very nice question for discussion.

You may rephrase your question to 'Is Poverty artificially sustained?' without actually changing the intent of the question!!

Whenever wealth is discussed - the first name for many that come to mind is Bill (William) Gates.

People seldom get associated with poverty - The friendly neighborhood beggar today earns more than many albeit by begging - that happens to be his / her profession (By choice or by force is a completely different point for argument)

Poverty (IMHO) is a relative term - I am poorer than you, if you are worth 10 crores & I happen to have just 1 crore as assets!

Dr. Kalam is respected as an individual with a 'wealthy' mind and many would pale in comparison in front of his thought intellect - hence we could be 'morally depraved' in comparison or 'poorer' in intellect...

Again (IMHO) we are comparing two diverse issues...

Another example of wealth gone to waste can be cited from my experience is that of the Owners of Saravana Bhavan


I am aware of their humble beginnings as in the late seventies they were our tenants in KK Nagar with their only branch! Rest is history!

Back on the question there is a wealth of knowledge being exchanged..... Very Interesting and would throw in my two cents worth as I am able to unearth them!!


Private Reply to Charles Pradeep

Mar 20, 2009 3:50 amre: re: Is Poverty artificially created?#

New Man G

1. if you say sharing wealth is communism, what would you say about people who steal opportunities, credits and benefits by making the lower level people people to work for them? especially incorporates? are not they sharing (stealing or whatever means)the benifits of the work done by comparitively unfortunate and poor people?

2. Children share the wealth/benefits and perks of parents. is there communism in family according to you?

3. define communism.

4. id communism as well capitalism cannot eradicate poverty? what can?

if newManG escalate these questions comfortably, i request someone from CNK answer.

please note sir, i am not a communist by any chance. i ve never been to Russia.

Private Reply to Bratzy

Mar 20, 2009 3:58 amre: re: re: Is Poverty artificially created?#

you must visit Russia . . . beautiful landscape, wonderful people and not communist . . . .

Private Reply to SOEB FATEHI

Mar 20, 2009 4:51 amre: re: re: re: Is Poverty artificially created?#

Senthil Nathan

I didnt expect this from you. More than knowledge, food is essential for a man to survive and poverty is all about providing the human with that food for the mere survival. The knowledge and other things whatever mighty or worth it may be comes only next to it. Knowledge is not going to eradicate poverty and its a myth that is projected.

Again I will tell you Dr.Kalam is an exception. I know many others who has died in the same ISRO without even being recognised for their knowledge or services.

Is Dr.Kalam is more knowledgeable than Ramanujam who lived and died in poverty. If someone would have given him some good money this Maths genius would have lived atleast till 60 yrs what mathematics and this world would have benefitted by that. What caused the death of Ramanujam

Where is my much cherished Bharathi. What led him to that miserable life. G.D.Naidu would have given us more than what he has given if money didnt come in his way...I have more innovative displays from the Govt schools, but the one which win the prizes are from the private schools whenever I go for a science exhibitions.


You know all these things better than me being a person who interact with the rural crowd more.

Private Reply to Senthil Nathan

Mar 21, 2009 3:03 amre: re: re: re: re: Is Poverty artificially created?#

why nobody is answering my queries? is everyone here scared of power girls?

Private Reply to Bratzy

Mar 21, 2009 3:51 amre: re: re: re: re: re: Is Poverty artificially created?#

you mean you really wanted responses?
i thought it was rhetoric all the time . . . .

Private Reply to SOEB FATEHI

Mar 21, 2009 4:14 amIs Poverty artificially created?#

a straight question to Kanchanaji -
is CASTE not linked with poverty in India?

Private Reply to stranger

Mar 21, 2009 4:17 amIs Poverty artificially created?#

I have a pathetic English linguistic skills SFG. how can you tell it is rhetoric?

Private Reply to Bratzy

Mar 21, 2009 4:44 amre: Is Poverty artificially created?#

explains much

Private Reply to SOEB FATEHI

Mar 21, 2009 5:25 amre: Is Poverty artificially created?#

J.a.m.e.s I.s.a.c
I am neither a communist BTPPG ( romba kastamana acronym ) oru vesayaitha theringikalamunnu kaetean...
1. Sharing of Wealth is not communism if done involuntarily but has it happened anywhere. To name the people u are taking about I seek the help of linguists of CNK SFg, BGg, CPg, LK(g), PPg and the likes.. :)

2. Inheritance

3. if not communism is it communalism (eager to learn)

4. U&MEism. In your terms "change of mindset", realisation ( I agree with most of points u have shared earlier BTPPG.
//All rich people have realised 'Giving and sharing' // have they realised really ?
What is the realisation all about ?
When do they realise ?
What brings the realisation ? it is abundance ?
Even if they have realised is "giving and sharing" happening especially in wealth.

Private Reply to J.a.m.e.s I.s.a.c

Mar 21, 2009 5:25 amre: re: Is Poverty artificially created?#

Kanchana Ravichandran
Venkat - Caste is just ONE of the reasons for poverty! Maybe it played a more important factor generations back but not so prominent today!

Even today we see the so called FC in abject poverty while we also know of a lot of success stories of the BCs not only rich but highly successful.

Main factors of poverty is becoming addicted to drinking, gambling, unwilling to work, spending more than their means, sudden death of an earning member in the family, being cheated of their inheritance or driven out of their homes etc.

Senthil - being a die-hard optimist and a practical person I don't believe that short-term relief in the form of money really benefits the poor. Once they gain the knowledge (which Dr. Kalam strives and which was mentioned in this thread by our own Prof. Nagarajan) then they can use it and rise themeselves about poverty. By jus giving them money or food - you are in fact making them dependent on you and also lazy. I would like to cite an example:
Just after Tsumani, like most others, I too approached a few Corporate and collected money and went and distributed not money but rice and pulses and other items to a Tsunami affected village. The 3rd time I visited them after a span of nearly a month I was pleasantly taken aback - when they came and demanded for turmeric powder, masala powder, cashew etc. I had to explain to them that the stuff I brought them was the toil and sacrifices of so many people who sacrificed an outing with their family and friends, or a movie, or worked overtime to help them and it will not happen on a long term basis as each have their own priorities and once these villagers realise that it will be better for them too. I was also quite upset with the young strong men who were playing cards and smoking cigarettes when I arrived at their village. They showed me the wooden poles and thatched roof all lying around and said they were waiting for volunteers to come and build their houses. I told them that they should not wait for help always but build their own houses which they had always been doing.
This is with all human nature. When we know someone will also be there to help us, we will not make any attempt to rise up but will continue to be in this state and find fault. Once we change this mentality then poverty is not exist - I truly feel poverty is artificially created.

Private Reply to Kanchana Ravichandran

Mar 21, 2009 5:46 amre: re: re: Is Poverty artificially created?#

Senthil Nathan

Everyone who talks of eradicating poverty thinks about giving free. Me too don't support giving anything free and that you can find it in another thread.

But provide them facilities to earn their food and then you can talk about knowledge to them. Give them work and pay them for their work. Don't make it easy for anyone to earn their food.

Again please dont give the example of Dr.Kalam. Don't make me to analyse Dr.Kalam's success. I have read a lot about his success and rise. And also his flaws, which is being avoided or neglected in the longer scenario. I didnt egt the answer for Ramanujam and Bharathi if you are going to support Dr.Kalam's success. As said in some other thread, I think it was Mr.GR who said it. The exams has to be planned keeping in mind the harvesting season of the villages for the school students goes for harvesting which is a big earning for the whole family. Its true. Poverty is very much related to money/food and secondarily related to knowledge.

What you said about the victims of Tsunami is an example of the result of giving anything free. During the aftermath of Tsunami the sales of Hero Honda Passion plus sales in Pondicherry shoot up and when we did the research it was due to the reckless relief money given by the Govt and the NGOs in that region to the owners of the boats.

Poverty is artificially created yes but not everywhere.

Private Reply to Senthil Nathan

Mar 21, 2009 5:51 amre: re: re: Is Poverty artificially created?#

Charles Pradeep
//I was also quite upset with the young strong men who were playing cards and smoking cigarettes when I arrived at their village. They showed me the wooden poles and thatched roof all lying around and said they were waiting for volunteers to come and build their houses.//

So very typical of people who thrive on being spoon-fed! It is a truth that very few are affected by 'Abject poverty' and those are the ones that need rehabilitation.

Poverty in India is a necessity for the political system to thrive... It is sad but true. They are people who let out their alloted 'Slum Clearance Board' houses and still live in thatches enjoying freebies doled out by their 'Katchi Thallaivar' (Party Leader)! They are used to being 'spoon-fed' and pampered! How are we to change that mind-set!?

Now do these 'Katchi Thallaivars' spend their own hard earned funds for doling out sarees / TV sets / cycles etc.? or is it out of the Govt. coffers filled with your and my tax money??


Private Reply to Charles Pradeep

Mar 21, 2009 5:28 pmre: re: re: re: Is Poverty artificially created?#

Charles Pradeep
Any potential answers!? I am also CP (Care of Platform) waiting for 'Honest' Answers to enrich my impoverished intellect!!


Private Reply to Charles Pradeep

Mar 22, 2009 6:56 amre: re: re: re: re: Is Poverty artificially created?#

Kanchana Ravichandran
CP - what modesty! ur "impoverished intellect" is similar to the poverty of this country!

Private Reply to Kanchana Ravichandran

Mar 22, 2009 7:09 amIs Poverty artificially created?#


if you rise high enough and look at the ground below you do not see boundaries between nations . . . . they are lines in the mind and created by the mind . . .

the poverty line is one more such line . . . depending on where you imagine it should be you are either above it or below it . . . all in the mind . . . .

Private Reply to SOEB FATEHI

Mar 22, 2009 7:48 amre: Is Poverty artificially created?#

Basab Ghosh
Reminds me of the song, 'From a distance....'

I am against giving doles in any form, but in favour of creating opportunities for the poor to earn a better living. One must acknowledge that it takes money to create the opportunities and the infratructure to stop exploitation of the poor. It also takes money to create the education and healthcare infrastructure, which are essential to sustain the earning potential of the poor.

It takes a lot of dedication, will power and sacrifice to generate and utilise this money properly.

Any suggestion for the way forward?

Private Reply to Basab Ghosh

Mar 22, 2009 4:49 pmre: re: Is Poverty artificially created?#

Charles Pradeep
My humility also seems to have been perceived as 'Below the "Imaginary" Belt'!!


Private Reply to Charles Pradeep

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