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The Wellness Institute

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Aug 29, 2004 1:35 pm antioxidant supplements not useful??????
Rajinder Sandhir
A few questions?

What is a “Pharmanex Bio-Photonic Scanner”? How does it work? Is it non-invasive or an invasive procedure? Do you need a sample of the blood or any other bodily fluid to determine the levels of anti-oxidants or just computerised X-Rays like in CT Scan?
What is LifePak? Is it synthetic or made from natural food extracts? Can you give me the URL or website address for gleaning further information?

Rajinder Sandhir
Mumbai, India.

> David Tannen wrote:
> My argument is not that antioxidants don't work. My argument is they only work when we get them in the form of whole food.
>You are making very dangerous statements here. You claim to have a pill that will cure (I think you mean prevent)Macular Degeneration. Post your studies here!
>AMD is shown to be much lower in populations that get a lot of lutien and zeazanthin in their diets from foods such as spinach, kale or eggs.
>Supplement companies site these studies to "suggest" their supplements will accomplish the same.
>> Clay Thomas wrote:
>>You can find research studies that state anything works or doesn't work. You can find studies that show state that sea silver is a great thing. Science shows that to be False also. Antioxidants are imperative. Without them you'd be dead in 3 days.
>>So the argument is not over whether or not they are important but which products actually do anything. Thre University of Nebraska Volleyball program just started a study using the Pharmanex Bio-Photonic Scanner and LifePak. Half of the team started on LifePak and the other half took Centrum. After a month the team was rescanned and none of the Centrum users had any increase in antioxidant score while the LifePak group averaged a 30% increase in a month. Point being if researhcers would use quality products in research, LIfePak being the only product with any clinical proof already we'd find that the studies show the importnace of antioxidants and the fact they do aid in the decrease in risk of cardiovasuclar disease, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, autoimmune disorders and macualr degeneration amongst other things.
>>Question of the day: If you had a pill that you could prove would cure Age Related Macular Degeneration non-invasively could you find a way to market it?
>>I have it.... LifePak and the scanner do just that, I've helped people restore vision in a matter of a few months.
>>What products are you going to sell in the future. Products that are based on stories or products based on science. If you don't have your optimal Body Defense Score yet, you need to get scanned and work to get as high as you possibly can to live long and live well.
>>Clayton Thomas

Private Reply to Rajinder Sandhir (new win)

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