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The Wellness Institute

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Aug 29, 2004 1:39 pm In Case You Hadn't Noticed Yet...
Many people here on the forum have some great products that they work with. Everyone has their OWN studies and proof and such that say how GREAT their product is. This last little post from David was great evidence to that fact as everyone chimed in with how their product was the exception to the rule!

I encourage everyone who sells certain products to try and look at nutrition from the "other side" of the coin. For example, Clay, just consider that the Bio-Photonic scanner isn't the end all be all and what that could mean and why "whole food" supplements couold be more effective. Or Gordon, consider that Clay's Bio-Photonic scanner really is the right stuff and he can "prove" that the LifePack really is many times more effective at protecting the body than a product like Juice Plus.

I'm not writing this to pick on anyone or get you to believe differently, but want people to understand that with how much PEOPLE understand about nutrition right now, your beliefs on nutrition are just that, BELIEFS. You may be right, but there is no conclusive way to know that. I used to com on this board and argue back and forth with people about why my "vitamins" were the best and how it was impossible for them not to be. Well, I don't sell them anymore because I've changed my way of thinking.

Just thought I'd throw this in there as if you read through the previous posts you will see people that are rock solid in their belief about nutrition and they are coming from 2 very different points of view.

My point is...only 1 side, or neither, is right, but we really DON'T KNOW who that person is. I hope you are seeing this. This is why this kind of discussion is important. It makes us think. Don't just write off the other side, really analyze it and try and see it from their perspective. Remember, SO many people got their start in "nutrition" learning from the company materials, not on their own. It may seem perfectly plausible, but that doesn't make it right.


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