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Network Marketing Like a MLM Pro

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Sep 12, 2004 2:54 am re: Hello
Ilka Flood
Welcome, Faith!

I am with Gene, once you find a company you like, (or in your case 2) STICK WITH IT. I went to your Ryze page and saw that you are with 2 companies that compliment each other very well. Learn everything about them and "become a product of the product".

Success doesn't happen over night, but it DOES happen if you keep your focus. Set some goals, write them down and work towards them. Make sure they are reasonable or you will get frustrated. And above all....have fun!

Ilka ;o)

> Faith Weathers wrote:
> Hello I am new to Ryze. I am been dabbling with Network Marketing but I have not had much success. So now I am rethinking my strategy . I need all the help I can get. I'm with two companies and I would like to get an awesome downline. I am open to any and all ideas.

Private Reply to Ilka Flood (new win)

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