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Network Marketing Like a MLM Pro

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Sep 12, 2004 5:43 am re: Hello
Aaron Audet: solid system = success

Hi Faith
I know very little about Arbonne or Life's Luxuries but I have a few suggestions that may be helpful if you are wanting to build a long-term network.

The first thing is to pick one company that you want to build with, there's nothing wrong with being the member of many companies to benefit from or enjoy their products but trying to build 2 networks is like trying to ride 2 horses at the same time, it can be done if you're an experienced expert but otherwise you'll just end up going nowhere.

Sit down and write out what it is exactly you are looking to accomplish and then really analyze the companies that you're with to decide which one is going to give you what you're looking for. Don't be in too much of a hurry to decide which one you're going to ride, this is something you will likely be focused on for 2-3 years so give it careful thought. A good place to start is to do a search on Google for "Brilliant Compensation" by Tim Sales and Dr. Charles King which may help you to decide on which business to work with.

Once you've decided on your company it's time to get some knowledge on how to build it, you wouldn't start a traditional business without at least knowing the basics and the same applies here. The first thing to do is tap into the support system your company has and begin the learning process. It's not critical to become an expert but it is important to know enough about what you're talking about to attract potential members that will join your team. Another key is to look upline as far as you need to look to find someone that has the kind of success that you're looking for and ask for their guidance on how to achieve what they have already accomplished. They will be more than willing to aid you since the power of network marketing is that the more money you make the more they make. They will be able to give you clear details about what you need to do and how to do it. Keep in mind that every person is different and has different strengths and weaknesses that may not be the same as yours. You will need to develop your own style but mentoring with successful people will save you a LOT of wasted time and energy.

Some required reading [in my opinion] is:
1) Think and Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill
2) Cashflow Quadrant - Robert Kiyosaki
3) Business School - Robert Kiyosaki
4) The Basics - Don Failla

Hopefully you haven't burnt up your name list before you were ready, a common mistake with new people, and can begin the process of building your network. Your team will be looking to you as to what they should be doing so be prepared to lead the way, it can be disconcerting at first but don't panic, thats why it's important to have an upline to mentor with, they will be able to guide you through each phase of your growth. Be sure to have the company tools [books, tapes, samples etc] on hand since they will do most of the work for you and your team. I highly recommend having quality business cards to promote your business and learning how to use them properly to get you the most results.

One of the things to keep in mind is that you are building an ASSET, to put it in perspective a network that is earning you a residual income of $2,000.00/month = $24,000.00/year. This is the equivalent of having $240,000.00 in the bank earning 10% [actually it's closer to $480,000.00 earning 5% interest in todays market]. This is important to understand because when people ask you what you are earning you can explain that you are building an asset that is currently the equivalent of XXX that is growing exponentially.

Another key thing to understand is that network marketing is much more than just word-of-mouth advertising. Many people that enter this industry do it with a misplaced vision of easy riches simply by telling a few people about our great business and then sitting back to let them carry on the process which will soon fill the mailbox with checks. The reality is that as simple and as powerful as this industry is it still requires consistent and persistent effort helping, guiding, teaching real people how to achieve their aspirations with patient love. You are going to go through tremendous personal developement on your journey and will be building relationships with people stronger than most marriages. There is nothing like network marketing that offers the time and financial freedom that you and many others will be achieving together.

I could go on much further but hopefully this was of a little help, I'm actually writing a fairly short training series on the things that work for me that may be helpful as well if you're interested. It's not quite finished but if you'd like to look it over send me a private message with your e-mail address some time and I'll send them to you [it's in 6 parts].

One last very important thing, like Ilka says - HAVE FUN! This isn't a job that you have to drag yourself to, this is something that is going to give you and your family freedom like you can barely imagine. It's also important to realize that the people around you are watching you a lot closer than you think, they are using you as a guide to see if the business might be for them. If they see you having fun while you build your way to financial independance they are much more likely to want to join you.

I'm new to Ryze and still trying to figure things out but I'll always do my best to help you achieve your dreams whatever way I can.


Ilka Flood wrote:
> Welcome, Faith!
>I am with Gene, once you find a company you like, (or in your case 2) STICK WITH IT. I went to your Ryze page and saw that you are with 2 companies that compliment each other very well. Learn everything about them and "become a product of the product".
>Success doesn't happen over night, but it DOES happen if you keep your focus. Set some goals, write them down and work towards them. Make sure they are reasonable or you will get frustrated. And above all....have fun!
>Ilka ;o)
>> Faith Weathers wrote:
>> Hello I am new to Ryze. I am been dabbling with Network Marketing but I have not had much success. So now I am rethinking my strategy . I need all the help I can get. I'm with two companies and I would like to get an awesome downline. I am open to any and all ideas.

Private Reply to Aaron Audet: solid system = success (new win)

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